C ~ XVI ~ "5 more minutes.." 😴⏰

51 3 24

Word Count: 1027

POV (point of view): Third Person

Y/n = Your (preferred) name, L/n = (your) Last name.

This chapter might be a bit short, I got writers block like halfway through =/

August 28th, 2012

Silence. The only thing that was heard in the lab. Deafening Silence. Henry hadn't shown up to the lab yet and for some reason nobody else had either. Y/n was the only one who had seemed to. Sat on the desk where Henry normally worked, he just stared at the door, trying to figure out where everyone might've been.

The other odd part? Not even Owen had called or messaged him yet that day, and it was almost 18:20, that was a new record since they'd met. Y/n was just mainly hoping that everyone was alright, well everyone besides 'Bitchface'.

After another half hour of staring at the door, hoping someone, anyone but bitchface, would walk through the door, he decided to just give up with that. Y/n sighed and stood up from the desk, slung his bag over his shoulder and walk out of the building itself.

The park streets weren't really that crowded either, which also slightly concerned Y/n. He headed in the direction of the Raptor Pen, deciding to search there first. Upon reaching it, not even the raptors were there and that just set Y/n into a panic mode.

He tried remaining calm while heading back to the park to try the Gyrosphere Valley, the spot where he showed Henry. Almost the second he entered the valley, the panic just got worse. Not a single dinosaur was in sight, not even on the way to the river.

After getting a glance at the spot, he turned around the Gyrosphere and headed back. A million thoughts- negative thoughts- were racing through his mind. He quickly left the vehicle and rushed back to the Living Quarters.

Y/n struggled to unlock the door as his vision became blurry. Once unlocking it, everything went dark as he tried opening the door.


He suddenly shot up from where he was lying on the bed, breathing very heavily. Y/n looked around, noticing Henry lying next to him, still asleep. This made him sigh of relief, it was only only dream.

Y/n turned to look at the alarm clock which only read 04:28. He closed his eyes and sunk back into his spot on the bed. Henry hadn't seemed to really woken up from any of the movement Y/n was making but once Y/n had lied back down, he cuddled up against his side- still asleep.

It took a few moments for Y/n to comprehend what was going on and where he was, especially after that dream. Eventually though, he was able to steady his rapid heartbeat and just calm his mind/body entirely. He closed his eyes and fell asleep after a bit.


The annoying sound of the alarm clock was back yet again, causing both Henry and Y/n to groan- almost in unison- as they both reached over to shut the obnoxious box off. Henry sighed and plopped his head right back where it was originally placed on Y/n's chest before they were woken up- causing Y/n to shake his head and sigh from how childish his boyfriend was being.

"C'mon Henry. We gotta get up." Y/n ruffled Henry's hair in attempt to get him up- but it was no use.

All Henry replied with was a whine and pulling himself closer to Y/n's body- if that was even possible with how close the two currently were. Y/n rolled his eyes and lightly smacked Henry's head.

"Henry. Up." Y/n repeated, still not able to get him off.

"Eh, I'd rather not. This pillow is rather comfy." Henry smirked, getting yet another smack from Y/n after his comment.

"And I'd rather not miss another day of work this month, get your lazy ass up." Y/n groaned, trying to push Henry off of him at this point.

"5 more minutes.." Henry faked a yawn, still clinging to Y/n like a child.

"I swear Henry, I will dig your grave by the river in the Gyro valley if you don't get the fuck up." Y/n smacked Henry on the head yet again, still not getting him off.

"You love me too much to do so." Henry kept the childish grin on his face, moving his head a bit to look at Y/n.

"Wanna bet?" Y/n scoffed, only getting a hum from Henry. "Oh, kiss my ass you whore."

"Hey, watch your mouth. A child is trying to enjoy his nap thank you very much." Henry shook his head, closing his eyes and returning his head to the spot from earlier.

"Okay, whatever sleeping beauty." Y/n huffed, rolling his eyes.

"I'm not a dumb blonde, shut up." Henry mumbled, partially falling asleep again. "I also don't wear pink dresses."

"That can be arranged.." Y/n whispered, trying to make it so only he heard it and not Henry.

"You're loud, shut up. I'm trying to get my beauty rest." Henry sighed.

"I'll have to find your prince for you." Y/n shrugged, receiving a chuckle from Henry.

"Already found him." Henry wrapped his arms around Y/n more and squeezed him.

"Oh shut up.." Y/n sighed, unable to prevent the goofy smile that appeared on his face.

"Alright, I'm tired anyways." Henry muttered.

"Well I have to at least let Claire or someone know-" Y/n tried saying before being cut off by Henry kissing him.

"Please be quiet and go back to bed. We'll worry about it later, Love." Henry smiled, kissing Y/n's forehead before returning to his original spot on Y/n.

Y/n didn't respond, they just sighed and laid their head back and closed their eyes. Eventually, both of them were back asleep again.




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