A/n ~ Discontinued?

21 0 16

Hey babes 💜💛

So, this probably may seem similar to something I've done before but this time it's probably official.

I've been writing chapters that I haven't been happy with, I feel like they've been getting sloppy, rushed, have almost no meaning or make no sense, and they seem stupid. I've got literally no plot for the whole thing in general and it's just happening as I go, and that's making it worse. I've been trying to work on chapters recently and have no idea what to write, I've changed titles hundreds of times and nothing sounds good anymore and I'm not sure its just not having motivation for it. Honestly, it isn't just writing that doesn't sound fun/good anymore; I honestly don't even want to be around my friends half the time recently. But uh, yeah, I guess I felt it was necessary to just give this explanation and shit instead of just disappearing and never uploading again?

Before I do probably stop, I just wanna say thank you as well. I never thought this 'story' would actually be read by people, let alone enjoyed. Around 2 thousand reads, a bunch of lovely comments, and people just saving it to things, I really do appreciate it all. It was fun to write and interact with you guys from the beginning, but this is probably where this 'story' is gonna end. I love you guys, so so much, I can't express how grateful I am for y'all, and I'm sorry for doing this.

See you guys around =)

-Jupiter/Callisto 💛💜

(If anyone was curious or whatever, I'll gladly give my socials if anyone would like to chat or whatever =) )

'Assistant' - Henry Wu x Reader - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now