C ~ XXXVIII ~ Sleepy 😴🛏

30 0 35

Word Count: 354

POV (point of view): Third person

This honestly might be a shorter chapter like the Halloween one, mostly cuz I changed the 'plot/name' from having no clue what to write with the original idea.

Also, idfk why I chose that image for the heading, I just clicked some random image in my memes folder 😭 (my friends little brother made that lmao)

January 17th, 2013

"Give it back, jackass!" Y/n yelled, trying to get his sketchbook back from Owen.

"What's so bad in here that you don't want me seeing it?" Owen laughed, putting his arm higher.

"Nothing! I just like keeping my drawings private!"

"More like keep your private drawings private. You can have it back, I don't want Delta trying to crush me again."

"Thanks, dipshit."

"Jeez, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed or something?"

"I didn't wake up on the bed, Henry keeps kicking me off."

(Silly little timeskip cuz idfk what to really write >=P)

"Hey Henry, I'm back." Y/n sighed, locking the door behind him "..Henry?"

Y/n turned around to see if his boyfriend was even there; and he was‐ just still asleep. He chuckled before removing his boots and joining Henry in bed.

"Y/n?..Baby.?" Henry mumbled, opening his eyes and looking up at Y/n.

(Deadass fell asleep writing this, perfect title ig 💀)

"Yeah?" Y/n responded, wrapping his arms around Henry.

"Where were you?"

"I went to go help Owen with something but then he started being a dick.. You still tired?"

"Mhm.. Very.."

"You go back to sleep then, alright?"

Henry didn't really respond, just cuddling up to Y/n more and kissing his neck. It didn't take him long to fall back asleep, especially now that Y/n was back.


I'm sorry this was so short, literally ended up being shorter than the Halloween chapter so uh-

Hopefully this chapter still was somewhat okay, I somehow went from a 1000 word chapter to barely a 400 again oops 🥲

But yeah, hope yall have a great day/night =)!

-jupiter? 💜

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