☆ C ~ XLI ~ Risks 😏💕

29 1 0

Word Count: 1109

POV (point of view): Third person


Also bc my brain is stupid, I'm going right into the silly stuff, and that's literally the only thing that's gonna be in this chapter 🤪

Fair warning, I was pretty hyper while writing this so it may seem a bit different than my usual writing so uh, yeah also i didnt re-read through this so theres prob spelling errors or whatever (help me my new friend wants to see this chapter when I publish it, HELP ME)

March 16th, 2014

"Someone's gonna catch us, get out from under there!" Henry shook his head, trying to pull his chair away from Y/n's grasp but failing.

"Then lock the door, or pause your work and let's go back to the living quarters." Y/n smiled, knowing Henry would cave in.

"God you're a pain, fine!"

Henry quickly walked over to the lab door and peeked out, not seeing anyone, then locking it. Almost the second he sat down in his chair, Y/n yanked his pants down to his knees and looked up at him.

"Eager much?" Henry chuckled, watching Y/n intently.

"Says you." Y/n squeezed Henry's erection through his boxers, earning a quiet moan.

Y/n pulled Henry's boxers off and slowly stroked his cock, watching as Henry arched his back a bit. As soon as Y/n took Henry into his mouth, the door opened and Hoskins walked in.

Henry immediately moved his chair to try and hide that Y/n was under his desk, resulting in his entire length to slide into Y/n's mouth. He covered his mouth to at least muffle whatever noises were coming out of his mouth when Hoskins started walking over to his desk.

"Hey, how's the project coming along?" Vic asked, leaning against the side of the desk.

"Uh, which- which one..?" Henry covered his face, feeling Y/n grab Henry's thighs and start sucking him off.

"The OE?"

"Oh, right, uhm, I haven't been able to get started with that one-"

"Well I need some sort of progress on a report by Thursday, so hurry it up."

"Got it-"

A moan slipped out of Henry's mouth right as Hoskins went to open the door, Y/n looked up at Henry who looked terrified.

"You alright?" Vic asked in an almost disgusted tone.

"Mhm!- Just hit my leg on the desk, all good-" Henry gasped a bit, starting to feel close.

"Alright, remember to start working on the project tonight."

"Yeah, bye-"

Once the door was shut, Henry's head hit the back of his chair and a loud moan came out of his mouth. Y/n moved back a bit, only having around half of Henry's cock in his mouth but now stroking the base with his hand. Henry gripped Y/n's hair and started thrusting his hips, right on the edge now.

He stayed on the edge, Y/n pulled both his head and his hand away from Henry; watching him become confused.

"Wait- what are you doing?" Henry whined, watching as Y/n got out from under the desk "Why'd you stop?"

"Only good boys get to cum." Y/n smirked, sitting on the desk.

"What are you talking about; I was being a good boy."

"Vic got suspicious when you moaned, I don't think that means you were being a good boy."

"Oh you're such a tease.. I'll be good now, let me-"

Henry cut himself off with a moan as Y/n started stroking him again. After barely a couple minutes, Henry was already about to cum again, but like before- Y/n didn't let him. This went on for around 20 minutes before Henry grabbed Y/n and started begging him.

"Please baby, I'll be good, let me cum, pleasee!" Henry whined, basically on the verge of tears.

"Will you be good though?" Y/n tilted his head, grabbing Henry's hair.

"Yes, yes, I promise! I promise I'll be good for you, darling."

Y/n got back on his knees and took Henry back into his mouth, earning both a loud moan and a sigh from him. It didn't take very long for Henry to be on edge again, but Y/n took his mouth off of him and replaced it with his hand.

"I know you're close but you aren't cumming until I say so." Y/n shook his head, watching Henry fall apart even more.

"I- fuck! I can't hold it back, baby- please!" Henry gasped, a couple tears falling down his face.

"You have to, or you don't get to cum at all."

Henry only got louder, trying his best to ride the edge, a few seconds of this and he was practically bawling and begging Y/n. He only ignored Henry and started stroking him slower, listening to Henry start whining again.

Y/n looked up at Henry to see his eyes closed, hands gripping the sides of his chair, and still moaning extremely loudly. He took his hand away from Henry and watched him start to cry even more; but he then took him into Y/n's mouth. Not even a few seconds later, Henry was whimpering and moaning so loud that they were both sure somebody had heard it by now. They didn't care though.

"Can I cum now? Please?" Henry begged, moving a hand to Y/n's hair.

The only response he got was Y/n repeating what he had done earlier; taking some of Henry's cock out of his mouth and beginning to stroke it. This sent Henry over the edge almost the second Y/n had done it. Henry didn't even try keeping anything to himself, he was moaning Y/n's name and whimpering as Y/n kept pleasuring Henry throughout his orgasm.

"Wait- I can't go again- please baby- I can't-" Henry whimpered when Y/n didn't stop.



I'm so sorry for my harmful words, I didn't mean them, I will potentially make another chapter where this sort of thing happens and actually finish it, but I wanted to get this out before I had to go to bed for school (literally gonna kms I hate it so much) but uh yeah, hope yall liked this chapter, its a bit differently written from what I normally would write so hopefully it's good 😭😭.

I love yall, I hope you guys have a wonderful day/night =)!

-Jupiter/Callisto 💛💜

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