C ~ XXI ~ Baking 🧁🍪

26 2 34

Word Count: 894

POV (point of view): Third person

This is gonna be a shorter chapter, especially since I just realized that the chapter I had planned in place of this deleted itself so uh, sorry about that-

It also doesn't help that I've had no motivation to write either, a lot of pressure for things going on in my life currently but I'm still gonna try my best to at least get a chapter out every once-in-a-while, but uh yeah, enjoy ig (again, sorry its a bit short)?

Also, if this is a bit funky, I apologize, I messed up the beginning (stuff above) a bit, since it was mostly copied from previous chapters-

November 19th, 2012

"Quit it!" Claire shoved Owen who kept throwing flour at her.

"What? I'm not doing anything!" Owen immediately hid his hands when Y/n glanced at the two behind him.

"You better hope Y/n hides their knives well." Claire scoffed and returned to the recipe that Y/n had scribbled out, barely legible (me too bestie, me too).

"Will you two quit? I will personally bake you guys instead of the cake." Y/n grumbled, snatching the paper from Claire and reading over it, counting on their fingers as they go down the list.

"I'd like to see you try.." Owen whispered to himself, getting glared at by Y/n who still managed to hear it.

"Do you not remember that one time when we did your makeup? Y/n practically had you in a choke-hold, he'll EASILY beat you." Claire chuckled, remember the look on Owen's face during those moments.

"Exactly, keep it up and I'll make you look like a clown with this food dye and icing." Y/n pointed at Owen before grabbing the cake pan and sliding it into the oven.

"You are a monster, holy shit." Henry laughed, watching the three from the table nearby.

"You just realized this?" Y/n smiled, walking over to Henry and lowering his voice "that sounds like something you'd call me when we-"

"OWEN GRADY!" Claire yelled, almost screaming at him.

Y/n and Henry both turned to look at the other two bickering, noticing Claire's head was pretty much covered in flour. Owen snickered and put the almost empty flour bag back on the counter. Almost in the same moment, Claire yanked Owen outside by his ear, screaming at him even more.

"I can't tell if it'd be a horrible or wonderful idea to get them together, I don't think it'd last an hour." Y/n scratched the back of his neck before walking over to the edge of his bed and pulling something out of his backpack.

"Probably not a good idea. But, over some time, I think they'll get better." Henry shrugged watching Y/n from his chair. (Bro is predicting the future 😨)

Y/n didn't respond, just nodding slightly before making his way back over to the kitchen area, hopping onto the counter next to the oven. Eventually, Owen and Claire came back inside, almost the second Y/n opened the oven to check the cake.

"How kind of you to come back and join us." Y/n smirked, getting an eye roll from Claire "Cake's almost done, just about 5 minutes left."

"The trikes are gonna love it." Owen chuckled, moving to stand next to Y/n.

"Wait this was for the Triceratops? No wonder it looked odd.." Henry asked, stretching before resuming what he was working on.

"We didn't tell you? Oops.. but yeah, this was for the one group of babies I was talking about a couple nights ago during our uno match, and the reason I kept asking what human food was toxic and non-toxic for them, but most of it isn't really human food, at least when it's finished." Y/n shrugged, receiving an odd look from Claire.

"Hm, alright. I thought you were just curious, or hungry I guess." Henry mumbled the last part.

"Hungry? Really? Yeah, cuz I'm totally interested in eating molasses or something like that?" Y/n chuckled, glancing over at the timer which was about to ring.

"So what were you talking about frosting for?" Claire asked, hardly paying attention.

"I like eating frosting, that's why." Y/n shrugged, grabbing the cake from the oven.

"You're actually a monster, WHO THE HELL EATS ICING BY ITSELF?!" Owen faked gagged, squinting his eyes as Y/n.

"This bitch does!" Y/n smiled, cutting the cake into different sizes for the Triceratops "since it's almost 20:35, I'll stop by tomorrow morning before heading over to the Raptor enclosure to give the babies the cake."

"Yea, I was getting tired anyways. We'll see you tomorrow Y/n!" Claire waved and dragged Owen out before he could say anything.

"That was fun." Y/n smiled, turning to Henry and sighing.

"I didn't do much besides work so I can't give my input." Henry chuckled, leaning back in the chair.

"I could give you something you can give me your input on.." Y/n smirked, walking over to Henry.



(I'm sorry that was mean)

Anyways, hope you enjoyed, I had no idea where I was going with any of this, but uh yeah, have a great night/day =)

-Jupiter <3

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