C ~ XLVII ~ Hide and Seek 🙈🙉

9 1 18

Word Count: 690

POV (point of view): Third person

January 10th, 2015

"Come on, you guys this isn't funny anymore.." Y/n huffed, his knees buckling and he fell to the ground, exhausted.

The spinos had grown significantly now, almost a year old now. Y/n had decided to name the magenta one Cyn, and the green sailed one Diox, no specific reason, just didn't knew they needed names. They grew really fond of playing with Y/n, and not in some friendly, childish type way. For hours at a time, they'd either make Y/n play 'tag' with them, or make him find the two, which was somehow extremely difficult for him. The whole sitting thing became less frequent, thankfully, but whenever it did happen– it happened even longer than before.

"Seriously, I'm done playing with you guys!" Y/n called out, but just as he was about to give up, he saw a tail peek out of the vegetation, "little cheaters..."

Going off to the side, Y/n pretended not to notice, but when he saw the movement again, he quickly but quietly made his way over. By the yellow-green specks on the tail, Y/n knew it was Diox.. she was always bad at hiding. This time, she'd learn, luckily Y/n wasn't another carnivore from the Late Cretaceous.. otherwise Diox would be dead by now.

Thankfully and obviously, he wasn't another dinosaur, and had no intentions on hurting either of the 'babies'. The second Diox looked back at him, Y/n had grabbed her tail, firmly but not hurting her.

"Gotcha— shit!" He groaned when Diox started running, dragging him through the mud and into the water, which made him let go and immediately resurface.

However, Cyn was in the water too, and something clicked in the siblings brains and they both grabbed— bit into— a leg and kept Y/n underwater— as if they were trying to drown him. Of course, they didn't know he wasn't an aquatic creature, that he couldn't easily swim up or breathe underwater or hold his breath for a long time... Being as young as they were though, Diox got distracted by a fish and let go, Cyn seeming to follow as well.

Y/n immediately went up, gasping as he got back onto land. Now was a good time to leave. And of course, here came the spinos, realizing he was leaving. For once, he was faster, and quickly made it out before they could get a hold of him again. Like usual, he went to go see Henry, but something strange happened... where was everybody?

By the time he got to the lab, Y/n was convinced he was dreaming, where the hell was everybody?!

He was right, because suddenly, he was back in the spino enclosure, lying on the ground near the water. Cyn was hovering over him, tilting her head curiously– having a sudden change in her demeanor once she realized he was awake, and alive. If she were human, her face would've lit up, that's pretty much what happened— she backed up, her tail wagging like a dog almost as she croaked and made other noises. Diox heard this and came out of the bushes and over to their human companion, not giving him as much space as she instantly started rubbing her 'snout' against him, they really were like dogs.

"Alright, that's enough.." Y/n coughed up some water as he sat up, groaning and rubbing his eyes.

"Have fun with the girls?" Henry smirked as Y/n came into the lab, not even needing to turn around to know he was drenched.

"You wanna babysit?" Y/n scoffed, standing by the door, since he didn't wanna make a mess.

"No, but I do wanna get you out of these clothes..."




uhm sorry this chapter was short, I wasn't sure what to really write for it but I wasn't about to delete ANOTHER chapter. I've done a chapter like this before, so that's where the inspiration kinda came from-

But uh, hope yall have a good night/day!

-Jupiter 💜

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