C ~ XXIII ~ Dumb Games 🎮🧩

17 1 20

Word Count: 615

POV (point of view): Third person

Uhm I'm kinda spoiling what this chapter is abt but pretty much it's Y/n forcing Henry to place FNAF with him for the first time, and Henry literally gets so fucking scared 💀 (and let's just pretend that FNAF came out in early 2013 for the sake of this chapter, I didn't really want to make it a side chapter so I could kinda get more progress done with the main story-)

Also, I decided that Y/n is gonna be randomly speaking German throughout the chapters, as someone who speaks German but not a fair amount and uhm I hate to do this but I'll be using Google Translate for this shit so it wont be 100% accurate, please forgive me 😭😭

January 19th, 2013

"SCHLIEß DIE VERDAMMTE TÜR, DU IDIOT! (Shut the damn door, you idiot!)" Y/n screamed, watching Henry freak out and almost fall backwards when Chica jumpscared him.

"I CAN'T STAND THIS FUCKING GAME." Henry stood up, doing a couple laps around his room before coming back over to the computer when Y/n decided to start playing again.

"Well it'd help if you listened, and DIDNT END THE PHONE CALLS EITHER." Y/n groaned, already being pressured on the 3rd night.

Henry stayed quiet so Y/n could attempt to focus, but he didn't even reach 2 am until he was jumpscared by Bonnie, because according to him Bonnie was in the closet (he saw Bonnie in the door and decided it was okay). When Henry took over, it wasn't any better. Almost the second he reached 3 am, Chica jumpscared him yet again because apparently the button wouldn't work (he was pressing the light button and not the actual door button).

"It's fucking rigged, there's no way anyone can pass this." Henry shook his head, walking away again.

"Du saugst einfach an dem Spiel. (You just suck at the game.)" Y/n laughed, earning a glare from Henry.

"Oh shut up." Henry walked back over again, standing right behind the chair and leaning over to watch the screen.

Y/n actually managed to make it to 5 am, until the power went out after he checked on Foxy again. Both of them were watching the screen wide-eyed as Freddy's eyes flickered in the doorway, praying that it would reach 6 am before he jumpscared them. The black screen appeared and the two backed up a bit, unsure what to expect in the next second.

But of course, Freddy's jumpscare appeared on screen and they both groaned. Y/n covered his face with his hands and leaned back in the chair while Henry took another walk around the room.

"This is seriously testing my patience." Henry sighed, walking back over and taking Y/n's spot on the chair.

"You can't even get past 3 am!" Y/n scoffed.

"Watch me." Henry rolled his eyes, getting jumpscared not even 5 seconds later.

"HAHA!" Y/n mocked Henry who seemed to be staring at the screen just re-thinking his life.

"Okay, I think we should stop playing this before one of us breaks something." Henry chuckled before closing out of the game and shutting off his computer.

"You mean you breaking something?" Y/n smirked, backing up before Henry could turn around and grab him.

"Yeah, you if you don't knock it off."



Uhm sorry idk what the fuck that was 💀^

But uh, this was shorter than I expected but uh yk, motivation is silly 🥱

Hope it was somewhat good though, even though it was kinda rushed-

Anyways, have a good day/night =)

-Jupiter 💜

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