C ~ XXXV ~ Markers 🖍🖌

14 1 62

Word Count: 1017

POV (point of view): Third person

They literally do not have a marker emoji, wtf bro 😐.


Urm anyways, I'm feeling in a writing mood (if that makes any sense at all) SO I'm going to be writing this chapter, figure out wtf I'm gonna do for the next few, and write those for yall too.

I added the one picture I was talking abt like 10 chapters ago at the top, hopefully it's there 😓

Enjoy =)!

November 20th, 2013

"Why exactly are you taking me there?" Y/n asked, trying to keep up with Claire. (This woman somehow walks/runs extremely fast and well in heels and it scares me😭)

"Well you've never been in the Control room before, it's one of the only places you haven't been in the park so why not complete that list?" Claire shrugged, stepping inside the elevator.

"I still don't understand why you had to drag me out of bed for this."

"You never know if you'll need to come in here for something."

Y/n rolled his eyes when the doors opened, both of them stepping out almost instantly.

"So, what do you think?" Claire smiled slightly, moving away from the elevator.

"What do you want me to say, it's just a room with a bunch of screens and some buttons?" Y/n shrugged, looking mostly just at the map on a screen.

"Fair enough."

Claire checked her phone and sighed slightly before turning to Y/n.

"I've got to go do something, so you're free to leave." She nodded, heading to another room.

"Yeah, drag me out of bed for me to look at something for like 2 minutes.." Y/n mumbled, going back in the elevator.

Instead of heading to the Raptor pen, Y/n just went back to the living quarters and went back to bed, not caring if he was supposed to help Owen today. When he got back, he was slightly suprised to see Henry still sleeping, especially from how loud Claire had been. Trying to be as quiet as he could, he took off his boots and got back in bed with Henry, who immediately cuddled up to him.

A few hours later, the two were both still in bed. Y/n was awake but Henry hadn't been yet, still sleeping through both their alarms. Y/n didn't bother waking him up, Henry hadn't really gotten a day off recently so he deserved the rest.

For Y/n however, what he needed to help Owen with that day was pretty important for the both of them; but Henry wasn't loosening his grip. When he was about to text Owen letting him know he wouldn't make it in today, he got an idea.

'Hey, you up for a prank today?' :Y/n

Owen (Buttface): 'Depends, what is it? Also you were supposed to help me today, so you gotta make that up soon.'

'Henry's still asleep, got me in a death grip actually, so I was wondering if you'd bring some markers over and we could draw on him.' :Y/n

Owen (Buttface): 'On my way.'

Y/n put his phone down and smiled, waiting for Owen to walk through the door. Soon enough, he actually did, holding a pack of markers in his hand too. Both of them trying not to start laughing, they started drawing on Henry's face.

Owen started drawing squiggles and eventually dicks, while Y/n was just drawing hearts. Eventually, they started drawing on his arms, and this was when Henry started waking up. Owen quickly hid the markers and got off the bed while Y/n just hid Henry's face in his chest.

"Y/n..? Sweetheart?" Henry mumbled, trying to move his head to look at Y/n.

"Hm?" Y/n responded, him and Owen trying their best to not start bursting out laughing.

"What're you doing?"

"Nothing, why?"

"You won't let me move my head."

Owen took this opportunity to sneak out of the room, looking at Y/n before closing the door and mouthing 'let me know how it goes'. When Owen was finally gone, Y/n let go of Henry's head, not realizing he was practically suffocating him.

"Sorry, you alright?" Y/n chuckled slightly, trying to ignore the drawings.

"I don't mind. Wouldn't be a bad way to die, honestly." Henry smiled, kissing Y/n's cheek.

"Oh shut up, I'm gonna make some toast, want some?"


Y/n was finally able to get up and out of Henry's grasp now that he was awake, still struggling to not laugh at his boyfriends current state. While Y/n was making toast, Henry got up and went to use the bathroom, and this was when Y/n started laughing. Almost the second he got in there, he started freaking out.

"Y/n, what the actual FUCK?!" Henry yelled, standing in the doorway of the bathroom and glaring at his boyfriend.

"Hey, it wasn't me." Y/n shrugged, putting his hands up in a defensive way.

"Let me guess, Owen?"


"I'm never sleeping in late again. Does this stuff at least wash off?"

"Yeah, you'll be fine."

"I'm gonna kill you both."

"You love me too much."

"Not Owen, I can still kill him."

"But it'd make me sad."

"..Fine, you're lucky this time."

"Love you."

"Shut the fuck up.. love you too.."

Henry went back into the bathroom to wash the marker off him and to actually use it; and Y/n lost it.

"I can still hear you!" Henry yelled from the bathroom.

"What're you gonna do about it?" Y/n kept laughing, not realizing Henry was already behind done in the bathroom and was now behind him.

"You really wanna play that game?"

"Try me– OH SHEIßE (OH SHIT)!-"


Sorry uhm anyways–

Hopefully that chapter wasn't too bad, I'm having to improvise for a few of them since I had no fucking idea what to write for the original ideas-

Yeah uh, love yall, hope yall have a great day/night!

-jupiter? 💜

'Assistant' - Henry Wu x Reader - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now