C ~ XLIV ~ Baby Spinos! 😸🦖

19 1 45

Word Count: 1027

POV (point of view): Third person

May 14th, 2014

Per usual, Henry's obnoxious alarm woke up the couple, which caused both of them to groan as they attempted to block out the sound... but eventually caved and got up. Y/n was the first to get up, surprisingly, while Henry just got all comfy again and fell asleep. Y/n was almost falling asleep as he got dressed, but when he finished and noticed Henry back asleep, he let out a loud groan.

"Come on, wake up..." Y/n mumbled, getting on the bed and shaking Henry, who whined and rolled over "Hen, come onnn..."

"Five more minutes..."

"You've had five more minutes!"

Eventually, Henry sat up... but fell asleep like that as well. He really needed to stop overworking himself... Y/n sighed and got off the bed, grabbing his lover some clothes. Without a second thought, he chucked them at Henry, which instantly made him jolt awake, completely confused.

Y/n looked at him with wide eyes, just realizing what he did. It was something he did all the time... but never when Henry was asleep... But, it seemed Henry didn't even know what happened, and began getting dressed.

"You gonna be able to make it to the lab or do you need me to walk you again?" Y/n asked, walking over to the bed and sitting down next to Henry, who was about to fall asleep while dressing himself– he didn't even respond.

Roughly 10 minutes later, the two were out the door, Y/n wrapping an arm around Henry's waist, and talking to him to try and keep him awake for now.. and of course, he walked Henry to the lab. The walk to the Raptor Enclosure was... oddly quiet, it felt off. Y/n shrugged it off, making it to the enclosure a few minutes later. When Y/n opened the gate to get up the stairs, Owen came out of nowhere– which made the shorter male jump, groaning when Y/n realized it was only him.

"I'm not that ugly, damn." Owen rolled his eyes, walking along Y/n who he literally scared the shit out of moments before.

"You kinda are." Y/n shrugged, tossing his bag to the side when they got up top.



A few hours of training later, Y/n chatted with Owen for a bit before going to the lab like he usually did. Henry, of course, was slumped over at his desk– him being tired might've been a factor but he was almost always like this when Y/n came to see him after doing his own work.

He silently came up behind him, gently placing his hands on Henry's shoulders, which got a slight jump but not much else. Y/n pressed a kiss to the side of his head before sitting on the desk, his usual spot.

"Whatcha working on?" He asked, watching Henry stand up and go over to the closet.

"Something for y– uh.. something you'll like, hun." Henry almost slipped up, grabbing a a couple things before going to the desk again and pulling up a file on the computer.

"Like what?"

"Come on,"

He looked at Henry, confused as hell, as Y/n got off the desk and followed him out of his part of the lab and into a different part, where most of the incubating and young dinosaurs were... towards the end, and more secluded where the carnivores usually were... was two little Spinos. One of them a dark pink color, like magenta almost- and the other a more 'natural' grey-ish color but the sail was a green color.

Y/n's jaw dropped and he nearly started crying.


The rest of the day, nobody could get Y/n out of the enclosure, not even Henry, who bribed him with loads of things, like cuddles, food... sex... none of it worked, Y/n was in love with these little dinos, and wouldn't be leaving them anytime soon. Despite being carnivores, the spinos were surpsingly passive.. well, for the most part.. Henry would definitely have to patch his boyfriend up when he got him out of there.. if he got him out...

Y/n was thrilled, ecstatic, just extremely happy over the whole thing. So happy that the babies seemed confused at how affectionate he was being. The green sailed one took a particularly liking to him, while the magenta one seemed... more distant. It made sense though, it wasn't a big deal... well.. maybe it was to Y/n but... not a big deal.

Eventually, Henry finally got his boyfriend out of the enclosure and out of the lab, the two finally going home long after midnight... when they got home, Henry didn't even let Y/n take his shoes off before he had him sitting down while he tended to the wounds the babies left. The entire time, Y/n wouldn't shut up, mostly about the spinos but towards the end, he started getting emotional as he talked about how much he loved Henry and how much he appreciated him and the whole thing... definitely not gonna forget that as long as he lives.



...what the skibidi

OKAY UHM... anyways... HELLOO!! I hope this chapter wasn't too like.. bland or anything, I was kinda out of it while writing the first half, I really like the idea of Henry doing something like that though. I also have no idea why the hell I chose that image for the cover or whatever... uhm.. Violent J really looks like my 8th grade math teacher and it makes me laugh so hard 😭🤦‍♂️.

I've been playing ARK a lot too so I think that's got me writing this again, I also really wanna see a baby spino now...

I'm trying to get like 2 chapters in a day, at least, since I wanna get this done before school starts up again, but if I can't, oh well– I'm gonna try to not overwork myself, no promises...

Uh, hope yall have a good night/day!

-Jupiter 💜

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