☆ C ~ L ~ Play Fighting 🙃🦖

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Word Count: 1132

POV (point of view): Third person

September 10th, 2015

"So no luck with them either?" Owen smirked, sitting down next to Y/n on the walkway (I have no idea what the walkway thing above the Raptor Enclosure is so I'm just calling it a walkway).

"They're bigger than me, it's hard to even be in there with them." Y/n huffed, watching Charlie and Echo fighting over something.

"They're just gonna get a whole lot bigger."

"No shit Sherlock."


Heading back to the Spino Enclosure, Y/n was sluggish. Dragging his feet, walking slow, taking detours... It was just one of those days, and he knew the Spinos were going to want to play despite their size. Most of the playing ended in Y/n having a lot of bites and scars.. but it made the babies happy.

When he reluctantly opened the door, Diox and Cyn were already playing. The growling and other noises would've made anyone think they were trying to kill each other— but they weren't. Just sisters playing. Not much else to do when you're stuck in an enclosure. The second they saw Y/n, he hardly had time to react before they'd both pounced at him. Here we go...


After about an hour of struggling to not be accidentally killed by the two, Y/n got out of the enclosure after feeding them. He'd come to the lab so bloodied up this past week that he was sure Henry wouldn't let him go back to the enclosure again. Speaking of...

"You can't keep letting them hurt you, hun." Henry huffed, dragging Y/n over to his desk to patch him up yet again.

"They're just playing, it's what juveniles do." Y/n rolled his eyes, hissing when Henry started cleaning the wounds.

"Stop being a baby and shut up."

"Yeah yeah, I love you too."

Henry scoffed, focusing on patching his boyfriend up. Making sure the bandages weren't too tight, he went onto the last one‐ but stopped, glancing up at Y/n. He looked right back at him, smirking.

"What?" Y/n hummed, tilting his head a bit.

"Stop that." Henry mumbled, tensing up as Y/n's knee pressed up against his crotch again– he knew what he was doing.

"Stop wh—"

Henry dropped the things he was holding, grabbing Y/n by the collar and kissing him. He hummed against his lips, knowing Henry couldn't really resist it– and kissed him back. The scientist tried pulling away but Y/n just pulled him closer, deepening the kiss; which pulled a whimper out of the man.

This wouldn't be the first time they'd gotten a bit intimate in the lab, definitely not the last time either. Henry moved his hands to hold Y/n's hips, bringing him a bit closer, trying to grind against him. They finally pulled away, catching their breaths.

"Please..." Henry mumbled, resting his forehead against Y/n's.

"Please what?" He teased, gently tugging at Henry's hair.

"Don't play this game with me.. I need you..."


Henry groaned at his boyfriends teasing, pulling him back in for a kiss as he let go of one of his hips to undo his belt. Y/n hummed again, smacking his hand away to undo it himself— Henry worked too hard. He wasn't complaining though, that just meant he could touch him even more. His hands went right back to Y/n's hips, abruptly tugging him closer, almost pulling him off the desk.

Right as Y/n was about to take Henry's belt off completely, the door started opening. The two quickly but reluctantly pulled away, Henry redoing his belt before whoever interrupted them saw. And of course, who else but Vic Hoskins came in.

"Can I help you?" Henry asked a bit bluntly, crossing his arms, frustrated.

Vic scoffed a bit, glancing at Y/n before back to his companion, "Gotta talk to you... in private."

Henry's eyebrows furrowed, glancing back at Y/n too. He was trying his best to not just yell at Vic to get the hell out so he could fuck his boyfriend... it took a lot of restrain, and honestly Henry was about to do it without telling Vic to leave. "You can tell me here."

"No, I can't." He rolled his eyes, shifting his weight onto his other leg, "This isn't a girls matter."

Y/n saw Henry's reaction, he could've sworn the shorter male was about to throw a chair at Vic or something... but, he didn't. It honestly shocked Y/n what his boyfriend did next.

"Get the hell out."

"Excuse me?!"

"You heard me— get out."

The man opened his mouth to say something but shook his head and turned around to leave, scoffing. Henry sighed, running a hand through his hand before turning back to his boyfriend.

"Where were we?"


If anyone were to walk in right now, both of them were sure they'd lose their jobs... but that didn't matter, the only thing that did was both of them together, having the other with them.

Henry grunted, his eyes closed tightly as his hips slammed into Y/n's. His arms were wrapped around his neck, Henry's head threatening to either fall back or fall forward onto Y/n's shoulder, but it remained still for now. He gripped his boyfriends hips tighter, surely going to leave bruises tomorrow— but that didn't matter, his only focus was making his love feel good, make both of them feel good.

"You're— ugh— oh my god— you're so pretty..." Henry panted, his head finally dropping forward, his hips stuttering a bit.

The other male whimpered, gasping as the familiar feeling began to build in his stomach, he could tell Henry was just about there as well. His nails dug into his back, getting another grunt out of the shorter man. Henry tugged Y/n closer, his thrusts beginning to become more erratic and a bit sloppy.

"Please tell me your close— please—" Henry whined, kissing his boyfriends shoulder.

Y/n nodded, his thighs trembling against Henry's sides– coming undone with a loud gasp followed by a whimper. Henry wasn't far behind, desperately pounding into him, finally reaching his high with a grunt, squeezing Y/n.

After a few moments of just holding each other, Henry spoke up, "Thank you..."




I'm sorry anyways erm LAST SMUT CHAPTER ☹️☹️☹️

Almost done with this, I think there's just two more, then the long ass chapter that I gotta write, and then we're done! I already wrote the last chapter ahead of time because I had an idea for it so erm yeah.

I'm gonna get working on the other chapters, love yall, have a good day/night!

-Jupiter <3

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