C ~ XLVIII ~ Flooded 💧☔️

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Word Count: 764

POV (point of view): Third person

This is prob gonna be a shorter chapter, I didn't have many ideas for this but I've deleted so many unwritten chapters that I think I'll be fine if I write this one 🤦‍♂️

March 17th, 2015

"I bet you guys are just having so much fun, huh?" Y/n groaned, watching the spinos play in the mud and puddle that began forming in their enclosure.

Isla Nublar was under a temporary weather warning, nothing too serious like a hurricane or anything, just horrible storms for roughly a week. It was only the second day and Y/n was hating it already, he didn't mind rain, especially how hot the island got at times, but this was too much. The dinosaurs, however, seemed to absolutely love it. Thankfully, Y/n didn't need to be dragged through the mud or pond during this, since he already got drenched and muddy from the storm.

Owen was having some... similar issue... well, not really— just couldn't get the raptors to listen or anything. Who could blame them? After doing the same stuff everyday, I don't think anybody would want to listen when there was a change. (Forgive me, I had a stroke smh)

It was already a pain in the ass just trying to get to any enclosure, but getting out now was a bigger problem.. because the rain persisted, things started to flood... good thing it wasn't more, or Mosa would be having a field day... Y/n struggled to even get the door open when leaving the enclosure, letting a whole bunch of muddy water in...

This was gonna be a long day.


"No, not my type." Owen shrugged, taking another sip from his bottle.

"No? You don't like redheads?" Y/n scoffed, shaking his head (potential ref to jw: dominion 🙊).

Owen shot a look at Y/n, not necessarily a glare though. Apparently Claire came by and asked Owen something about going out... but the way Owen told it and dramaticized (is that a word???) everything, Y/n knew his friend was bluffing... maybe even switching the roles around.

"Get all wet and muddy today?" Y/n changed the topic, since Owen didn't say anything else.

"Wet, ha." Owen chuckled, getting a eye roll but chuckle from the shorter male. "Uh, no, not really."

"Lucky bastard."


After a few more drinks with Owen (cough cough, like six more because istg these guys are alcoholics or sumn), Y/n stopped by the Raptor Enclosure, just visiting the girls since he wasn't around them much anymore... then he made his way to the lab, well, was going to. He realized he was more drenched and muddy than usual, and figured it'd be better to not get anything in the lab muddy or wet.

Funny enough, Henry was already back at the living quarters, lying on the bed, just reading something, not anything Y/n understood.

"Hi baby." Y/n mumbled as he took his boots off and stripped himself, tossing the drenched clothes into the hamper.

Henry replied with a hum, but his occasional glance didn't go unnoticed— he never kept his eyes to himself when it came to Y/n, especially when he was naked. Y/n smirked as he got dry clothes on, sighing as he got onto the bed and sat next to Henry.

"Why're you here so early?" Y/n asked softly, resting his head on Henry's shoulder.

All he got was another hum, and a shrug... he didn't know why he was here early...? Y/n sighed, starting to gently kiss Henry's neck, it was obvious when he was upset about something, he usually went non-verbal (REAL).

"Is it cuz the storm?" Y/n mumbled against his neck, and Henry finally responded with a sigh.

"Power went out, lost all my progress on something... too pissed to keep working so I came back early..." Henry grumbled, one of his hands blindly reaching out and grabbing his boyfriends, gently squeezing it.

"I'm sorry, hun... knowing you though, you'll probably just get it done quick tomorrow, and it'll be better."

"...I love you."

"I love you too, Henry."



uhhh sorry this was so short and kinda icky, I really didn't know what to write but I got rid of like 30 chapters that I never wrote since I had no ideas for them so I didn't wanna get rid of this one too... uhm... I HOPE IT WASNT TOO BAD—

I hope yall have a good day/night 😋

-Jupiter 💜

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