☆ C ~ XXXVII ~ Holidays 🎄🍻

21 0 62

Word Count: 1233

POV (point of view): Third person

Deadass freaking out still cuz it's officially been a year since I uploaded the first chapter-

Went through my Henry pintrest board for the heading for y'all (MY GOD I LOVE HOW HE LOOKED IN JP, I MEAN I STILL DO BUT LIKE GYATT) 😙💜

Feeding yall good today >=)

Also sorry if this seems rushed, I wanna get to the good part for y'all as (one of) my gift(s) to y'all for the 1 year mark 💜

December 25th, 2013

"Come on, it'll be fun!" Owen smiled, trying to convince Y/n and Claire.

"How is the bar even open today? I've hardly seen that sort of thing with any building or store." Y/n shrugged, taking his gloves off.

"Besides, knowing you guys, you're gonna get us kicked out, like that one time." Claire scoffed, smiling at the fact that Barry started chuckling at the reminder.

"Then we won't get as drunk this time, please?"

"Fine. I'll see if Henry wants to come with, see you guys later." Y/n rolled his eyes, grabbing his bag "Oh, and Barry? Keep an eye on Owen and Claire while I'm gone will you?"

"Got it." Barry smiled, waving at Y/n.

When he walked into the lab, he noticed Henry off to the side at a counter with some equipment. Trying not to startle him, he set his bag down and walked over to stand next to him. Henry didn't notice at first but smiled when he did.

"How are you, darling?" Henry asked, leaning over and kissing Y/n.

"I'm alright, Owen was trying to convince me and Claire to go drinking with him and Barry tonight." Y/n sighed.

"I take it he did convince you it?"

"Yeah.. would you like to come?"

"Got nothing better to do, so yeah."

Y/n kissed Henry's forehead before heading over to the desk and taking his usual spot ontop of it (Deadass wrote 'him' instead of 'it' and almost published this without realizing it 💀💀). Around a half-hour later, Henry came over to the desk and sat down, giving Y/n a kiss beforehand. It was mostly quiet in the lab, besides the occasional talking from the main lab area.

Around 19:30, Owen ended up calling Y/n, asking if he was gonna head over soon.

"Yeah, yeah, just give us a few minutes." Y/n shook his head, glancing over at Henry who was already looking at him.

"Okay well hurry up, I wanna beat your ass at Uno." Owen chuckled.

"I'd like to see you try."

"Owen I take it?" Henry asked once Y/n hung up the phone, sliding it into his back pocket.

"Mhm. You ready to go?"


Christmas Night and here the 5 were, almost all of them extremely drunk and almost screaming at each other while playing Uno; this time may be the last they're allowed in that bar.

'Assistant' - Henry Wu x Reader - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now