☆ VII ~ Fuck me then 🧍🤸🧑‍🦽

185 5 45

Word Count: 1100

POV (point of view): Third Person 👀

Y/n = Your (preferred) name.

Yet another chapter we've been waiting forrrr

Honestly, this chapter is gonna suck cuz im terrible with those kinda scenes so there may not be many in this story so I apologize =/

December 14th, 2011

It was a pretty cool day, breaching 83° on Isla Nublar. The cooler temperature was sorta normal for this island, along with the other islands.

While people ran around the park, amused and in awe at the dinosaurs, the creator and assistant of the dinosaurs, sat in his lab.

Henry and Y/n were sat in their usual spots in Henry's lab, Henry sitting at a desk, Y/n on that desk.

It was quite often that they were silent while working, occasionally asking how it's going for the other. Claire came into the lab, like usual, to check up on the two.

"Hey, how's it going?" Claire smiled, looking between the two who were, for once, deeply focused on their work.

"Good." Henry answered, Y/n just giving a thumbs up and a hum.

"Alright, I'll leave you to it, have fun." Claire smiled before turning around, the door closing behind her.

Y/n kept writing away, scribbling out certain parts every so often. Henry looked up after a while later, watching him as he continued to work.

When Y/n happily sighed, re-reading over his paper, he finally turned his attention to Henry, meeting his eyes.

"How's it going, love?" Henry asked, eyeing my paper a bit.

"Mm..Could be better. How's your little project going?" Y/n smiled, standing from the table to stretch.

Henry didn't answer, he just watched Y/n. When his shirt moved up past his waist, Henry immediately turned back to his work, face flushed.

Y/n took notice to this and chuckled. Moving Henry's chair to straddle his lap. Henry closed his eyes and leaned his head back, sighing happily.

"God, you're so beautiful.." Henry whispered, grabbing Y/n's hips and moving them ever so slightly.

"Mm..I could say the same about you.." Y/n smiled, wrapping his arms around Henry's neck.

He leaned in and kissed Henry, still rocking his hips slowly. Henry returned the kiss, moving a hand to Y/n's hair, pulling at it slightly. Henry pulled away first, looking at Y/n who had a proud smirk on his face.

"God.. You're doing things to me.." Henry whined, pressing Y/n against him.

"Just returning the favor, love." Y/n smiled, massaging Henry's shoulders.

Henry picked Y/n up, him wrapping his legs around Henry's waist. He pressed Y/n against the desk, attacking his neck with slow kisses.

Right as Y/n opened his mouth to say something, Henry began kissing him, holding his hips against him and the desk. Y/n moaned slightly and Henry took the opportunity to slip his tongue into Y/n's mouth. He pulled away and they were both looking into the other's eyes.

"Henry.." Y/n whined as Henry began removing his shirt.

"Yes love?" Henry stopped and looked at him.

"Maybe we should wait.." Y/n sighed.

"That's alright, I'm not gonna force you to do something you aren't comfortable with yet." Henry smiled.

//time skip because I know why you horny mfers are here 😏\\

Y/n struggled to lock the door as Henry pressed him up against it, their lips moving in sync.

Once he was able to lock it, Henry picked him up by his thighs and he wrapped his legs around Henry's waist once more before he dropped Y/n on the bed.

Henry climbed ontop of him, his hands moving all over Y/n's body as they continued kissing. His hands moved to the bottom of his shirt, moving it up and over his head.

"God I want to fuck you so badly.." Henry groaned, Y/n moving his hands to Henry's shirt.

Y/n moved his head closer to Henry's, smirking slightly.

"Fuck me then." Y/n whispered before Henry almost instantly kissed him again.

He smiled into the kiss as Henry took Y/n's pants off, his legs immediately wrapping around his waist again.

Y/n moved his hands to the hem Henry's pants, tugging at them before pulling them off. Both of them pulled away for a few moments, trying to catch their breath.

"Can I?" Henry asked, looking down to Y/n's undergarments, grabbing the waistband.

(I honestly don't know how to refer to them as, seeing I feel like it'd be more comfortable for Y/n to wear Boxers cuz Gender Dysphoria but that's just me, so I'll just refer to them as that ig -Jupiter)

Y/n nodded reaching for Henry's undergarment waistband as well, both now pretty much naked.

"You ready, love?" Henry smiled, grabbing Y/n's hips.

Y/n nodded, closing his eyes and leaning his head back against the pillows. Henry slowly pushed into Y/n, receiving a quiet moan from him.

After giving Y/n a bit to get comfortable before he slowly started moving. Y/n grabbed onto his shoulders for support as Henry began picking up the pace.

As Henry kept the same pace, Y/n was a complete mess underneath him.

//A small time skip cuz I'm horrible at sex scenes so uhm yes?\\

Y/n and Henry both felt their climaxes build up, making Henry go faster. With a few more thrusts, they both came.

They both looked at each other and chuckled as both panted slightly. Henry pulled out and helped Y/n stand up.

He walked Y/n over to the bathroom and filled up the tub, gesturing to it for Y/n to get in. He smiled and stepped in, sighing at the feeling of his body meeting with the warm water.

Not long after, Henry got in as well, turning the water off before hand. (as he should 😌💅 -Jupiter) He started rubbing Y/n's shoulders, both of them chuckling slightly.

//another time skip?! Wow never would've thought 😧 (seriously, sorry there's so many time skips =/\\

After they both got out and dried off, Henry helped Y/n over to the bed and they both lied down, a smile plastered on their faces.

"Thank you" They both said in unison, making them laugh.

Y/n scooted closer to Henry, cuddling up against him.

"I love you." Henry sighed, putting his face into Y/n's hair and closing his eyes.

"I love you too.." Y/n hummed, both of them finally falling asleep.


'Assistant' - Henry Wu x Reader - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now