C ~ LIII ~ Disaster 🦖💥

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Word Count: 2536

POV (point of view): Third person

December 21st-22nd, 2015

It was another one of those weeks where Henry and Y/n weren't talking, they were still having some issues... today though, Y/n was helping out with the raptors, but stayed off to the side to watch Owen train with them.

It was going great, for once. They were a bit distracted and snappy, but this was the best training had gone for them. Like always though, Vic came out of nowhere and had to ruin everything.

"Owen." He chuckled, walking over to him, Barry and Y/n‐ who all shared a slightly look of distaste. "I was starting to think I hired the wrong guy.. but damn you got them eating out of your paw."

"You came on a good day, it's usually not a happy ending." Owen glanced at Y/n, rolling his eyes slightly.

He sort of tuned out the man as he continued talking with Owen and Barry, deciding to just get back down to ground level for now, watching the raptors through the gate. Echo came up to him, making a slight croaking noise as she pressed her snout against the bars. Y/n smiled, reaching his hand out to gently scratch the raptors snout. He wasn't scared of her, he'd been there as long as Owen, they trusted each other.

She walked away as the buzzer sounded when Owen opened the outer gate to come in by Y/n, and put space between him and Vic. "Do you hear yourself when you talk?"

"This is gonna happen. With or without you boys." Vic leaned against the bars, almost like he was treating Owen– but he didn't flinch. "Progress always wins."

"Maybe progress should lose for once."

Y/n chuckled a bit, but him and Owen turned back around at the sound of the new guys voice. "Pig loose!"

Being new, it almost didn't surprise Y/n when the guy tried getting the pig out, but it did shock him when he was pulled down into the enclosure. Without thinking, he watched Owen run over and open the gate, crawling under to get in there.

The whole situation made Y/n disassociate a bit, and it wasn't until Owen told Barry to close the gate that Y/n snapped out of it. "Are you crazy?!" Barry was in about as much disbelief as Y/n.

"Close the gate!" The new guy said, almost in a whiney tone.

"If you don't shut the hell up—" Y/n grumbled, glancing at him.


"How many times did you have to practice that before you were confident you wouldn't mess it up?" Y/n chuckled, taking a sip of his drink as Owen worked on his bike.

He looked over his shoulder when they heard a car pull up, Claire's car. "Well, I'll leave you two be..." Y/n winked, getting up and heading inside while they talked.

After a few minutes, Owen came inside, groaning and going to his room. He didn't say anything until he came back, and he just made a gesture for Y/n to follow him. They came back outside, going to Claire's car.


"So, what's going on?" Y/n asked as they got out, he wasn't familiar with the area they were in.

'Assistant' - Henry Wu x Reader - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now