C ~ XVII ~ Training 🦖🦕

43 2 20

Word Count: 2048

POV (point of view): Third Person

Y/n = Your (preferred) name, L/n = (your) Last name.

This chapter isn't fully with Henry in it but I make up for it soon =)

September 10th, 2012


Y/n and Owen continued sprinting down the path, giggling like school girls as Claire chased after them.

The two of them thought it'd be funny to pull a prank on Claire; which consisted of multiple harmless things like turning off her alarm for work. But, one of the things took a turn and now she was chasing the two of them, still wearing her iconic heels. How she managed to run so quickly in them, neither of them knew.

Eventually though, they reached the main area of the park and Claire huffed, leaning against something as she caught her breath. Y/n and Owen stopped after noticing this, breathlessly laughing at the situation and walking back over to Claire.

"I'm seriously going to kill both of you." Claire groaned, shoving past Owen and heading straight to the lab.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed-" Owen muttered to Y/n, who smacked the back of his head for the comment.

"Just shut up, your the reason she's pissed right now." Y/n scoffed, walking the other way- the direction of the Gyrosphere Valley.

"Hey! You helped!" Owen defended, following after Y/n.

"Yeah but you're the one who knocked over the bottle!" Y/n shook his head, waving at Josh who just wanted to go home. (I had to look this up but that's the name of the guy who works at the Gyrosphere ride area or whatever you wanna call it-) "Now shut your ass up and get in."

"Fine." Owen mumbled in a higher pitched voice, making an 'ow' sound as Y/n whacked the back of his head while trying to buckle himself.

After a few moments of Y/n and Owen bickering about him being childish, Y/n steered the Gyrosphere around to shut him up. They both looked around, noticing that there weren't as many herbivores in the plains- making them pretty confused. Normally it was a bit difficult to even steer around in the plains due to the amount of herbivores, especially when they're constantly moving around or just randomly stopping and lying down.

Y/n kept glancing over at Owen as they continued on- noticing less and less of the herbivores. Eventually though, they reached the area that they were supposed to be in- the exact creature they came there to see waiting by a small pond close by. A huge grin appeared on Y/n's face when he saw it- rushing to get unbuckled and stumble out of the Gyrosphere.

Owen followed after Y/n, chuckling and shaking his head slightly at Y/n's excitement. The two slowly approached the Parasaurolophus who seemed to quickly notice their presences in the deserted area. The creature huffed at the two as they got closer.

"Hey, hold on." Owen moved his arm infront of Y/n, stopping him before he could move any closer.

"Excuse me, what? You expect me to just wait and listen to you when one of my favorite dinosaurs here is right infront of me after 6 months?" Y/n scoffed, trying to move Owen's arm out of the way.

'Assistant' - Henry Wu x Reader - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now