☆ C ~ XX ~ Sweet 😻🍬

29 2 31

Word Count: 1039

POV (point of view): Third Person

Okay, I'm gonna make an attempt at a spicy chapter, like actually fr this time, not click baiting y'all. I've never written something like this before so it'll probably be shit, I'm not gonna write a chapter where they actually have sex just yet but I'll do something spicy for yall just this once =).

Enjoy ig??

November 7th, 2012

"You better not!" Owen glared, pointing a finger at Y/n and backing up.

"Come here, we're gonna make you pretty, cuz right now you look like a troll!" Y/n giggled, running at Owen and tackling him.

"Get off me you whore!" Owen yelled, a chuckle slightly heard in said yell as Claire got closer to him with Lipstick in her hand.

"Hold still you big baby." Claire rolled her eyes and struggled to put it on Owen, since he kept jerking his head around.

"No! I am not gonna let you put that shit on me-" Owen grumbled before Claire grabbed his face and smeared the lipstick all over his lips, making him look more like a clown then before.

"There! See, that wasn't so hard! Now close your eyes and stay still." Claire smiled, acting proud at what she had done.

"Fuck both of you, seriously." Owen sighed, closing his eyes.

"Aww, he looks so pretty!" Y/n mocked him, letting go of him to look at what Claire had done/was doing.

"Shut up before I lock you with the raptors." Owen opened his eyes and was smacked by Claire, who almost poked his eye after he opened them. "Ow!-"

"Shut up and stay still! Close your damn eyes!" Claire squeezed his face more, getting him to shut up.

"You guys have fun, I gotta go talk to Henry about something. Also, Claire you better send me a photo." Y/n smiled at the two before leaving the room they had been in and heading towards Henry's lab.

(Oh lorde, here we go 🤯)

Along the way, Y/n noticed that there were hardly any people, maybe a few staff, which was fairly odd to him. Normally the lab area was pretty packed but now it looks like there was hardly anyone ever there. Once he reached the door to Henry's lab, he stopped right as he went to open it upon hearing a muffled moan, which very much sounded like Henry's.

His eyes went wide, a smirk making its way onto his face as he finally opened the door. Henry was sat at his desk, leaning his head back with one hand covering his mouth, the other hand was busy satisfying him. Y/n stood in the doorway for a moment before shutting the door and slowly walking over to Henry, who still hadn't noticed Y/n was there.

"Couldn't wait for me?" Y/n asked, making Henry jump and immediately remove his hand from his cock.


"I'm sorry I-" Henry panted slightly, being shut up by Y/n kissing him.

"In the lab? Really Henry?" Y/n chuckled after moving to sit on the desk.

"Well I was doing work, that I still have to do, and I didn't want to just leave." Henry looked down, trying to hide the fact he was blushing.

"I guess I'll help." Y/n shrugged, shifting forwards slightly.

"You really don't need to-" Henry shook his head but was cut off by his own moan when Y/n grabbed his cock.

(I'm so sorry, this probably sucks 😭)

"Hm?" Y/n smiled, slowly moving his hand up and down.

Henry didn't respond this time, he just closed his eyes and let his head fall back when Y/n stroked slightly faster. It was very rare when these two would do something like this, whenever they did however, it was always in a more private area- like the living quarters. But now, it was happening for the first time in the lab, with people around.

"Hey Henry!" A voice called out from the other side of the door, making both Y/n and Henry freeze.

"Yes?" Henry covered his face as Y/n moved his hand away.

"I gotta talk to you about something." The voice who Y/n realized to be Hoskins spoke again.

"Yeah uhm.. just give me a minute, I gotta put something away-" Henry went to stand up but Y/n pushed him back down. "What are you doing?!"

"Just shut up, I gotta go deal with the Triceratops' over in the valley so I'll see you at 20:30, alright?" Y/n nodded, smirking slightly when Henry groaned. "Oh, make sure to zip your pants, wouldn't want Bitchface getting suspicious or anything."

"Seriously? Why do you have to go, just.. stay here until I get done, pleeeaaaseee?" Henry whined, standing up to go after Y/n, after zipping his pants.

"Here, how about this, you get your work done and I'll give you a reward for finishing it. Now you go ahead and sit down, I'll let this hoe in." Y/n smiled, kissing Henry's cheek before going over to the door and opening it.

"Oh, hi Y/n.." Vic hesitated, passing by Y/n as he left the lab for the Gyrosphere Valley.

Y/n didn't bother answering, he just rolled his eyes and kept walking.


Okay uhm, this would've been longer but I got writers block AGAIN and I really wanted to get something out for y'all. Sorry this is probably really shitty, originally I was gonna make a full on smut chapter but I wasn't sure how to word like anything and thought it wouldn't be good enough/thought it was cringe asf.

Uhh, hopefully I'll have the next chapter out soon, trying to come up with ideas so I can kinds catch up and hopefully we can make it to the end of this book so I can start the next one (I say that even though I'm like half-done with this lmao).

Love y'all, have a good day/night <3

-Jupiter ♡

'Assistant' - Henry Wu x Reader - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now