C ~ XXV ~ April fools! 🧨🎉

17 1 12

Word Count: 941

POV (point of view): Third person

Hey! So uh, since it's April 1st (April fools, and as of when I'm publishing this), I'm gonna make this chapter pretty much the four pranking each other (well besides the fact Henry doesn't really pull any pranks but is on the receiving end of them). The previous chapters posted late for some reason so uh sorry about that 😓. Also this chapter is a bit different than what I normally post/write, since there isn't really much dialog but at the end there is something silly so uh yeah =).

April 1st, 2013

The obnoxious blaring of Y/n's alarm was heard throughout the small room for the 3rd time that morning, both of the men there being extremely irritated by it. Y/n groaned and rolled over again to shut it off again, almost unable to get out of Henry's grasp.

"Hun, let go for a second.." Y/n whispered, shaking his boyfriend a bit who only mumbled something in response.

After a few moments of struggling to reach the alarm clock, Y/n was finally able to shut it off. He looked back to Henry who seemed to have fallen right back to sleep after that, and he decided to so the same.

Normally the two would be up and be getting after the alarm clock went off for the first time but it was going off 4 hours before it normally would, which was caused by none other than Owen Grady. Over the past couple years they'd been working together, April 1st was their favorite day because it was their excuse to screw around with each other and not get in trouble for it.

Most of the time they'd wait until the day of April fools to start pulling pranks but it seemed Owen had different plans. First it was the alarm clock, then it was the laces on Y/n's boots, which he wouldn't notice  until he already left the living quarters and angrily marched back to put them back on his boots. There were a few other harmless pranks Owen planned that Y/n was still oblivious to but he already knew it was gonna be a fun day.

Henry on the other hand wasn't the biggest fan of it, since he'd normally be on the receiving end of quite a few pranks, especially ones that weren't meant for him. The first April fools that they had in their time working together, Owen had set a few things up in Henry's lab but one of them included taping some stuff to the one desk in Henry's room, thinking Y/n would be the one to try and grab the stuff but it happened to be Henry who did.

Y/n didn't end up going to the lab until after training with Owen, who was extremely confused upon seeing how cheerful he seemed when he got to the Raptor pen. But, when Y/n did end up going to the lab after the two were tired of pulling pranks in one spot, Henry was sat at his desk crossing his arm, waiting for Y/n to get there.

Once he did get there, Henry scolded him, thinking he was the one who set up the pranks, and pretty much ignored Y/n the rest of the day.

Today was almost no different, except the two were planning pranks on Henry together. One they came up with, but decided not to do because of how cruel it was, was mixing up the DNA trays and removing the labels on them. One they did decide to follow through with however was sticking quite a few (it was more than 20) penis stickers onto his desk; and oh boy, he was NOT happy about that.

It also made him more pissed because the stickers kept ripping in half and leaving the white-stuff (haha, not THAT white stuff 😏) on his desk for him to attempt to scrape off.  Y/n ended up getting more than a scolding, and was being ignored again afterwards, Henry occasionally glaring at him though.

Y/n was able to get him to stop ignoring him by baking him something (I can just kind of imagine Henry's kinda a whore for Y/n's cooking, saying that also because I personally SUCK at cooking stuff 😭) that he liked. Henry didn't talk to him still but he ended up clinging onto him and eventually forcing him to cuddling after like 10 minutes after eating the thing.

The day after if Henry didn't see Y/n after the whole desk situation, he'd end up leaving him a voicemail that went something like this:

"Hey, uhm, you know that little prank you decided to pull on me? I'd really appreciate it if you DIDN'T do that again, I had to set aside my work and struggle to get them off, which took me around an hour so uhm.. Yeah, for my sake, don't stick penis stickers on my desk again or I'm gonna have to lock you in your living quarters and make sure you can't leave the bed the whole week before April Fools. Anyways, Hope you sleep well, I love you and uh, goodnight."



Like I said at the beginning, the previous chapters did post late for some reason so this one might do the same (so if this posts on a day besides April 1st, I apologize).

But uh yeah, have a good day/night, love you guys =)

-Jupiter 💜

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