C ~ XXXIX ~ Annoying People 😒🧒

15 0 7

Word Count: 625

POV (point of view): Third person

February 10th, 2014

"Damn, you really must have pissed her off then." Owen chuckled, wiping his hands on his pants.

"I didn't do anything that would've upset her though! I really don't understand why she's suddenly making me go supervise little kids in the park." Y/n groaned, leaning against the gate.

"Hm, yeah well, you have fun with that."

"Watch your back, Delta's feeling playful today."

Not really wanting to have to be around kids, Y/n took his sweet time getting to the main area of the park. He stood by the petting area and looked over to the Mosasaurus tank. Throughout the next couple hours, he didn't really have to tell any kids off; until he was about to leave.

Some kid, maybe around 6 or 7, started trying to climb the fence to the Mosasaurus enclosure. Y/n waited for a moment to see if the kids parents would stop him, but they weren't even near him. Not wanting to get yelled at by Claire, he headed over to get the kid down from the fence.

"Hey. You're not supposed to be touching this." Y/n nodded, hoping the kid would get down on his own; but of course he didn't.

He just stared at Y/n before trying to climb higher; quickly being stopped once Y/n picked him up and moved him away from the fence. And of course, now was when the parents paid attention.

"The fuck do you think you're doing?" The kids mother yelled, getting in Y/n's face and grabbing her son.

"Making sure your child doesn't get himself killed because you won't watch him." Y/n scoffed, backing up to make some space between the two.

"Excuse me, he was perfectly fine!"

"Your child was almost at the top of the fence and that's perfectly fine to you?"

"He was not. And even if he was, it shouldn't be your concern because he's my child!"

"I can tell."

The lady was going to say something but just stood there for a moment before Y/n decided to walk away. On the way back to the living quarters, he texted Claire, still pretty pissed off about the whole situation.

'I don't care how pissed off you are or get at me, I'm never doing that again.' :Y/n

Claire (Dumb red-head): 'Now what happened?'

'I'll talk to you about it tomorrow, but I'm never doing that again.' :Y/n

He sighed and unlocked the door, practically slamming it behind him.

"You alright?" Henry asked, walking over and standing in front of Y/n.

"No, I'm not, I can't fucking stand people." Y/n groaned, hugging Henry.

"I know, Claire shouldn't have made you switch over to that for today."

"I know it's still early but I think I'm gonna head to bed."

"I'll be there in a minute, you get comfy."

Y/n sighed and began taking his boots off, then his work clothes. He plopped down onto the bed and closed his eyes. Honestly, he would've fallen asleep if he hadn't noticed Henry get into bed with him; cuddling him.

"I'm sorry you had a sort of rough day. I love you." Henry mumbled, kissing Y/n.

"I love you too.." Y/n smiled, nearly asleep at this point.


The worms are speaking again 😨

Uh anyways, I'm probably gonna write one more chapter today and then pass tf out 💀

Hope this was somewhat okay, I think I put too much energy into the Holidays chapter so now all the other ones I'm writing today are just the random shit from my mushed brain. Hope yall have a great day/night =)!

-jupiter? 💜

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