C ~ XXXIV ~ Halloween 🎃🦇

8 1 36

Word Count: 755

POV (point of view): Third person

Prob gonna be a shorter chapter, I wasn't entirely sure what to do for this one =/

October 31st, 2013

"You're no fun, honestly." Y/n scoffed, glaring at Owen.

"You said you wanted to put the raptors in costumes.. You really think we'll find something their size and even get it on them? Besides, it's just silly, what's the point of dressing them up anyways?" Owen rolled his eyes and locked up the pen.

"They'd look cute in them!"

"Yeah but whatever is left of you after that wouldn't be."

"Whatever. I'm gonna head back to the lab, see you later, dumbass."

"Mhm, don't let the boogeyman get you."

"Claire's busy today, I'll be safe."

Y/n smiled to himself when he heard Owen laughing hysterically while leaving. Upon getting back to the lab, Henry was no where to be seen; which confused Y/n since Henry usually didn't leave without him and today wasn't one of his days off. He waited for around 5-10 minutes before just heading back to the Living Quarters.

When he opened the door, he felt slightly relieved to have seen Henry sitting at the table looking at 2 DVDs. Henry set them down and got up to walk over to Y/n. After he got his boots off, Henry hugged him; and pretty tightly.

"Sorry for leaving the lab without you, I wanted to set something up for when you got back here." Henry smiled, kissing Y/n's cheek.

"It's fine, just glad you're okay. What movies are you choosing between?" Y/n asked, glancing over to the table.

"The Conjuring and one of the Tremors movies, since you wanted me to watch the films."

"Hm.. Let's go with The Conjuring, that okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine with that." (Hm yes, I love when every word in my sentences need autocorrect to save me 🙁)

"Alright, I'm gonna make some popcorn, you go ahead and get comfy."


Okay uhmm, so ik this was hella short, I probably should've changed the idea for the chapter entirely so I could give yall at least a 500-800 word chapter but uhm here I am with barely a 400 word one for the actual story (I've been doing entire word count in all/most of my chapter so im talking abt like the actual 'plot' in the chapter and not this bit) =/.

I apologize for that, I'm once again writing this while sleep-deprived, and really my only reason for it being I do sometimes write better when it's late and I just never know what to write whenever I have a crack at most things during the day, so most of my writing is done during the night, which is the main reason for any delay in writing, any confusion in reading (the chapters not making much sense like the last one), less writing in chapters, and just quality in it overall. I'm trying to get a big portion of this book done before school starts up again for me, but seeing as June is already nearing an end, I have doubts that I'll end up doing so; I'm still gonna try to and probably push myself to write a lot later at night like now, but I probably will get maybe 5-10 chapters out before the end of June, I'm not sure. Another thing with just my delay/lower quality in writing is self-issues; not just having no motivation for writing things or having no clue what I'm writing or any sort of plot for this book, it's more so just issues I have with myself and it's taking a pretty big toll on my writing and personal life. Despite this, I'm going to be writing as much as I can before the end of June for yall, hopefully the writing isn't horrible in the process, I didn't mean to turn this into a sort of vent/rant so I apologize for that as well. At the beginning of July, I'm most likely gonna be taking a bit of a break, just from writing here in general and try to focus on working on myself as best I can but I'll let you guys know when that'll be when the time comes and when I come back after that.

Uh yeah, I'm gonna go work of some other chapters and hopefully have those out soon and in good quality, I hope yall have an awesome day/night.

-jupiter? 💜

'Assistant' - Henry Wu x Reader - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now