C ~ IV ~ Hungover 💧

127 6 23

Word Count: 838

POV (point of view): First person

Y/n = Your (preferred) name.

Sorry it's kinda short, I didn't know what all to really write-

August 17th, 2011

The pounding in my head had woken me up. God damn it.. I slowly sat up, my head still throbbing. I groaned and lied back down, trying to remember anything that happened last night.

All I can remember is having a drinking contest with Owen and Barry, Claire dying laughing, and something when I got home last night. But something I did remember was the last thing I heard Henry say.

'I think I love you'

It rang in my head, making my migraine worse. I shot up and looked around the room to see where he was. He wasn't anywhere in sight.

I groaned and lied back down, rubbing my temples.

"Well good morning." Henry chuckled, making me jump.

"Hi.." I smiled, sitting up slowly.

He handed a glass of water to me, along with some sort of pills. I looked between him and the water, hesitating.

"Take it, you'll feel better. You're hungover." Henry sat down next to me, rubbing my back.

I continued hesitating, before finally putting the pills in my mouth then washing them down with the water.

"Thank you.." I mumbled, setting the water down on the bedside table.

"Mhm, I would recommend getting more rest but it's only about 16:36. If you'd like we could play Uno. Even though you've beat me almost everytime." Henry smiled, getting up from next to me.

I nodded, readjusting myself on the bed. Henry grabbed the Uno cards and sat back down, but infront of me this time.

"I'm gonna shuffle this time, I swear you were cheating." Henry shook his head, making me chuckle.

"Whatever, I'll still win." I picked up the cards.

//time skip brought to you by homosexuals 😌\\

"Ha! I told you." I smiled, placing down my final card.

"Oh go suck a dick.." Henry groaned, reaching for the cards to shuffle them again.

I started laughing hysterically, Henry shook his head and chuckled slightly.

"Oh you know you love me." I sighed, watching him stop shuffling the cards.

I tilted my head slightly before he set the cards aside.

"Someone's feeling bold." Henry raised an eyebrow, scooting closer to me.

"What if I said you're correct?" I smirked, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"What if I kissed you?"

I froze and looked into his eyes for a moment before pulling him into a kiss.

(This is gonna be really shitty cuz idk how to write a kissing scene but I'll try😞 -Jupiter)

He pulled me closer as we continued kissing. I put my hand into his hair, pulling at it lightly. We both pulled away for a moment before he started kissing me again.

When his hands slid down to my waist, I groaned slightly; causing him to stop kissing me for a moment. He looked at my face and searched for any discomfort. When he found none, he pulled me back in for yet another kiss.

While we continued to make out, (idk wtf to write for this, sorry😭 -Jupiter) I heard my phone start ringing. I groaned as we pulled apart once more. As I reached for my phone, Henry pulled me ontop of him.

Luckily, I was able to grab it before he grabbed me. I pressed the answer button and put it up to my ear.

"Hello?" I said.

"Y/n, sorry to bother you but.." Claire spoke before a loud crash was heard from her end.

"You alright Claire?"

It was silent for a few moment, and in those few moments; Henry took the opportunity and started kissing my neck. I gasped quietly as he continued.

"Sorry- Owen knocked something over-" Claire groaned, I could literally see the eye roll she just did.

"No worries-" I bit my bottom lip, trying not to moan accidentally.

"Actually, nevermind.. Sorry to bother you. See you tomorrow.."

"Mhm! Bye-"

I quickly hung up the phone and Henry was still leaving kisses down my neck. A few moments later, he started kissing down my body, his hands following. I whined slightly as I gripped onto his shirt.

//ima save that for another chapter cuz uh- I gotta practice writing those kind of scenes😭\\

After..that.. I sat up and grabbed my shirt, slipping it on. Henry was still lying down, I soon joined him again. His arm found its way around my waist and pulled me closer.

With that same arm, he moved his hand (that made no fucking sense but okay -Jupiter) down to my thigh. He placed it on the outer side and started slowly caressing it.

I hummed and smiled, I moved closer and snuggled into his side. He moved his free hand to my hair, playing with it while he continued rubbing my thigh.

"Henry?" I said.

"Yes, darling?" He responded.

"Thank you, I love you.."

"I love you more."


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