C ~ XXVII ~ Game Night 🎮🃏

10 1 24

Word Count: 588

POV (point of view): Third person

Hey yall, uhm, the next few chapters are gonna most likely be released at the same time or close to it, I'm on a roll rn even tho I feel like these chapters are gonna be shitty 😎

Anyways, enjoy =)

May 29th, 2013

"Will you quit that!" Henry laughed, blocking his face with his hands.

"What? I'm not doing anything!" Y/n smiled, continuing to try and kiss all over Henry's face.

"Quit, I'm trying to work!"

"Fine, fine!"

Y/n moved back to his spot on the desk, watching as Henry peeked through his fingers to make sure Y/n actually moved away, and then put his hands back on the desk to continue his work. Randomly throughout the day, he'd start kissing Henry's face, just out of nowhere and with no reason. I mean, Henry didn't mind it all honestly, just needed to get some sort of work done before leaving the lab, which ended up failing anyways since he couldn't focus anymore.

"Okay, fine, you win." Henry sighed, turning his chair towards Y/n.

"You're no fun." Y/n rolled his eyes, kissing Henry's cheek.

He was about to kiss Henry's face again but his phone went off, scaring both of them slightly. Y/n groaned a bit before pulling his phone out and seeing what had been so important.

Buttface (Owen): 'Hey, you and Henry up for a game night?'

'Yeah, yeah, sure. What time?' :Y/n

Buttface (Owen): 'Probably like 18:30, either at the bar again or just someone's place'

'Alright dumbass, see you in a bit =P' :Y/n

Buttface (Owen): 'Whore 😒'

'Love you too xo' :Y/n
(Deadass was going to put xx but uhm I was wrong abt which was which 😒)

"You up for a game night with the group?" Y/n asked, putting his phone back in his hoodie pocket.

"Yea, why not. What time?" Henry shrugged, rubbing Y/n's thighs slightly.

"In like an hour, think you'll be done by then?


(Monkey time skip brought to you by uh onion spiders 🙈)

"GO FUCK YOURSELF OWEN" Claire groaned, having to stand up and walk away for a minute.

"Okay, I think we should maybe stop playing Monopoly.." Barry muttered, slowly pulling the board off the table and putting Candy Land on it instead.

"Good idea." Y/n whispered to Barry, watching Claire pace around the room a few times. "Claire, cmon, we got a different game."

"No, I'm done for tonight." Claire shook her head, walking out the door, slamming it behind her.

"Jeez, what's up her ass.." Owen scoffed, getting a glare from both Y/n and Barry.

"Let's just play this and be done for tonight." Y/n scratched his neck before setting the game up.

(Another monkey time skip bc uh my motivation is gone like my dad 🙃)

"Well, uhm, that was fun, see you guys later!" Y/n smiled, waving at Barry and Owen as they left.

"That was.. a lot different from our usual game nights." Henry sighed, wrapping his arms around Y/ns waist.

"Yeah, because we only ever play Uno. Maybe we shouldn't do that again for the sake of our friendships.."


"Are you seriously falling asleep on me?"


"Cmon, get in bed, I'll be right there."


Uhm, sorry that was EXTREMELY SHORT, like I said, had no motivation for this chapter so uh, sorry =/

Hope yall have a good day/night tho

-Jupiter 💜

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