☆ C ~ XV ~ 1 Year 💞

72 4 19

Word Count: 1694

POV (point of view): Third Person

Y/n = Your (preferred) name, L/n = (your) Last name.

WE GOT A (slightly) SPICY CHAPTER BABESSS 💜 (not really a sex-scene though bc uhh yk, I absolutely suck at that kinda thing, and just writing in general lol)

August 18th, 2012

As Y/n woke up, he could feel Henry's arms tightly wrapped around his waist, pulling Y/n against him. He smiled at this as he tried detaching Henry's arms from his body, but it didn't work.

Henry only wrapped his arms around Y/n tighter and pulled him even closer. He sighed and turned his head slightly as Henry moved his to rest against Y/n's neck.

"Henry, darling.." Y/n muttered, rubbing Henry's arms.

Henry just hummed sleepily, kissing Y/n's neck softly.

"Hun, you gotta let me go.." Y/n chuckled.

Henry just hummed once more, wrapping his arms more around Y/n.

"Henry." Y/n whined, pulling Henry's arms.

"No thanks, love." Henry smiled, leaving kisses along Y/n's jawline then down his neck.

"And why is that? I have stuff I gotta do, we both do actually." Y/n closed his eyes again, leaning his head back against Henry.

"Oh, I know. But, I think you've forgotten something." Henry whispered, rubbing Y/n's stomach.

"Oh really? And what would I be forgetting?" Y/n asked, smiling slightly.

"It's August 18th, love." Henry moved his hands down, resting them ontop of Y/n's thighs.

"Mhm, anniversary?" Y/n muttered, forgetting about anything he planned to do that day.

"Correct, good boy." Henry whispered again, smiling against Y/n's neck.

"Keep it up and you won't be the one doing this later on." Y/n sarcastically threatened, grabbing Henry's hands.

"Oh? I'd like to see you try." Henry chuckled, gripping Y/n's thighs.

Y/n turned around to face Henry, who had a smirk plastered onto his face. He raised an eyebrow as Y/n shoved him onto his back, moving his legs to either side of Henry.

"What a view." Henry teased, his eyes wandering across Y/n's body.

"For now." Y/n shrugged, leaning closer to Henry's face.

"Mm. Really? You're always a nice view." Henry mumbled, moving his head towards Y/n's.

Y/n chuckled before moving his head and kissing Henry's neck, making him tense up from the sudden action. Henry leaned his head back and eventually hit the headboard, causing him to audibly say 'ow'.

He closed his eyes and sighed as Y/n continued kissing down Henry's neck, reaching his collarbone soon enough. Y/n moved his kisses up Henry's neck again, eventually sucking on a few areas of his skin.

'Assistant' - Henry Wu x Reader - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now