C ~ VIII ~ Indominus what?! 🦖◻🦖◼

102 5 38

Word Count: 2039

POV (point of view): Third Person

Y/n = Your (preferred) name, Y/d/n = Your Deadname.

Tws: A bit of violence + transphobia 😒👎

Also, this does take place like, about a month or two after the previous chapter so yes 👍

I think I finally found a word as to what I can call the 'places', so I'll probably be referring to them as Apartments or Living Quarters?

I'm feeling nice today so yall get this chapter, two in one day. You're welcome. Love yall 💜

The color for the Indominus sibling is just what I've seen the fan base use the most, if there was a confirmed color that I knew of, I'd have it as that-

February 25th, 2012

"Wait, explain it to me again?" Y/n sighed, shaking their head.

"The Indominus Rex is our first genetically modified hybrid- first hybrid honestly, they've got quite a lot of different creatures genes, mainly Tyrannosaurus Rex, they'll both be bigger than her when fully grown actually. We made two incase on didn't survive, one is White, well an off white-ish color, more grey actually, and the other is like a black color,, or a very dark grey. What are you not understanding, love?" Henry ranted about his new project, trying to get Y/n's opinion.

But, Y/n just looked at him like he was crazy.

"How in the world does that seem, I dunno, safe?!" Y/n asked, literally not believing Henry's serious.

"The area they'll be in is supposedly secure enough so they won't be able to get out unless someone purposefully let's them out. Even then, we should be able to catch them before they get to any main areas that could harm anything." Henry rolled his eyes, moving his focus back to the computer infront of him.

"I'm just saying, it doesn't sound like a very smart thing to make but, whatever. You and Simon are the bosses not me." Y/n muttered the last bit, rolling his eyes as he said it.

The rest of the few hours Y/n was there, they worked in silence. Not even a single glance to look at the other. The tension was finally gone when Y/n's phone began ringing.

He groaned as he moved to pick it up, taking a quick glancing at Henry who didn't move from his spot.

"Hello?" Y/n sighed, putting the phone up to his ear.

"Heyy, so uh I sorta need your help." Claire spoke, sounding as if she were gonna cry slightly.

"What happened now." Y/n shook his head, bending over to pick his bag up.

"Well uhh.. how do I explain this.. Owen and Barry got drunk, again, last night and I let Owen spend the night at my place.. He's currently holding me in like, a bear hug. I literally cannot move and need your help or I'm gonna be late." Claire spoke quickly, Y/n just barely catching all that she said.

"Mhm, I'll be over in 5.." Y/n laughed, walking towards the door. "Enjoy that for the time being I guess."

"Oh my God, shut upp" Claire groaned.

Y/n hung up and put his phone in his pocket.

"I gotta go help Claire escape from one of Owen's 'bear hug-cuddles'. I'll see you tomorrow." He smiled, turning to see Henry still hadn't moved from his spot. "Love you.."

'Assistant' - Henry Wu x Reader - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now