A/n ~ A little update =)

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Hey babes =)

So, I've kinda been putting any writing (on wattpad or for others to see) on hold for a little bit now, and I'll probably be doing so until sometime in the first/second week of July (Depending, I'll probably be officially back around July 6th-8th- hopefully at least-). I wanted to just write this before I did actually dissappear from the platform for a week like I have before. My main reason for taking a break is just needing to focus on things like my mental health. Since it's currently summer break, it's a pretty good time to do that as well; school being a main source of impacting my mental health as it does for pretty much everyone.

I planned on getting some more writing done before I took this break but this is probably gonna be the only thing I'll write. I'll still come on the app and all that, reply to comments and just whatever but I won't be writing/publishing any chapters until I officially come back. We've got about 35 chapters to go before the 'book' is officially finished, which I'm really looking forwards to and hopefully it'll be done by the end of this year.

Something for when I'm writing things, especially if it's set to a certain au (god i felt weird writing that-) or a certain fandom (I'm dying over here help) I'm writing for, like for example I write some Harry Potter stuff (my eyes only, highly doubt other ppl would like my idea for what I'm working on lol), I'll need to kinda be not only in the mood to write said things and have that kind of mindset like "Okay, gonna become randomly obsessed with (whatever fandom/thing) today so I'll write for that (if I have something that I've written for it)" but then obviously writers block is a little hoe and the times I feel like writing for certain things, especially this, my brain is like "hmm.. let's go play a game or talk to our friends, we'll get back to this before midnight." And then it's just a repeating thing, but there's times it doesn't happen and usually when I'm sleep deprived. I dunno why I decided to mention this, I just kinda think it might help give a bit more of an explanation as to why I'm a bit weird with uploading (like my weird schedule I mean-) and why sometimes it just isn't the best to read (by forcing myself to write that chapter).

I'll probably update/work on the contents chapters when I get back as well, so look out for that as well?

But yeah, I'll be back in around a week, while I'm gone feel free to just go nuts I guess, like I said, I'll still be on the app just not writing chapters. I hope you guys are doing well, and have an amazing day/night =)!

Love y'all 💜


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