C ~ IX ~ "Kindly fuck off" 🖕

68 5 41

Word Count: 1117

POV (point of view): Third Person

Y/n = Your (preferred) name, Y/d/n = Your Deadname.

Tws: Arguing (?), slight Transphobia, Homophobia.

Yall might hate me for this chapter, so I'll make it up to yall eventually 🙏

Also I've added nicknames for the characters in the text messages so uh yus.

Another thing, sorry I've been so inactive, I'm not in the best mindset currently, along with school starting in a couple weeks (for me at least) but I'll try and post a few chapters every month for you guys =]

March 13th, 2012

"It's fucking ridiculous!" Y/n shook his head, looking over to Henry who was asleep over his desk again.

"Well, your opinion doesn't matter, Y/d/n. You're just an assistant." Vic spoke, looking him up and down.

"I'd appreciate it if you'd kindly fuck off, Vic." Y/n rolled his eyes, trying to be quiet as to not wake Henry.

"Says you, you're just mad because you're a stupid fa-" He was about to say before Henry interrupted him.

"What's going on?" Henry groaned, stretching slightly.

"Nothing. Could you dismiss your co-worker though?" Y/n smiled at Henry, shooting Vic a glare.

"Wait yeah, why are you even here, Hoskins?" Henry turned his chair.

"You know damn well why. But then your idiot of an assistant started arguing with me because she's a petty bitch." Vic looked Y/n up and down before turning his gaze back to Henry.

"That's enough.. Hoskins, please go back to wherever you came from." Henry sighed, looking between Y/n and Vic.

As he walked out of the lab, Y/n groaned, returning to his work.

"I literally don't understand his logic." Y/n shook his head, not looking up to face Henry.

"You wouldn't get it." Henry muttered, turning back to his work as well.

"Excuse me?" Y/n raised an eyebrow.

"You. Wouldn't. Get. It." Henry repeated, emphasizing each word louder than before.

"Sorry I ruined your mood." Y/n rolled his eyes.

"Just shut up.." Henry sighed.

"Okay, what the fuck is going on with you?" Y/n looked up and turned to Henry.

"Excuse me? Have you seen how you've been acting lately?" Henry snapped, turning to face Y/n.

"Me? Me?! You're one to talk!" Y/n yelled, standing up and grabbing his bag.

"My god, can you please shut the fuck up?" Henry groaned, standing up and turning to Y/n.

"Is this because of what happened? Because we had sex- or because of the stupid project you're working on?" Y/n walked over to the door, not opening it yet.

'Assistant' - Henry Wu x Reader - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now