C ~ II ~ Hot ☀️

149 7 8

Word Count: 1370

POV (point of view): First person

Y/n = Your (preferred) name, L/n = (your) Last Name.

Sorry this took so long to get out btw =/


June 20th, 2011

I woke up to soft sound of birds chirping outside. I smiled to myself and turned over to look at my alarm clock. 06:13.. Groaning, I turn back to the original position I was lying in, trying to get of the rest that was heavily needed. But, unfortunately that didn't happen.

As I tossed and turned for about 5-10 minutes, I couldn't help but wonder if anyone else was awake. I sighed and rolled over one last time, reaching for my phone and unplugging it. I unlocked it and opened my messages, clicking on me and Henry's messages but not typing anything.

Over the past few days since I started working here, and with him, we chatted a lot. In person during work and over text. Not to often over text though though, just little conversations about pretty much what anyone would talk about. I'd gotten to know him pretty well though.

I set my phone back down and closed my eyes, sighing as I tried one final time to fall back asleep; but instantly failing. As I sat up, I looked back at my alarm clock.. Almost 5.. I stood up and stretched, groaning at the slight breeze in my room coming from the AC.

Hearing the ding from my phone made me jump. I slowly walked over and picked it up and unlocked it. It was Henry.

Henry Wu: 'Hey, Y/n! I'm not sure if you're up right now but when you see this; I wanted to know if you would like to hang out sometime today?'

I smiled to myself as I read over the message. I looked out the window for a brief moment and started typing.

Y/n L/: 'Good morning Henry, I am in fact awake.. I'd like to hang out today, anytime works honestly, just let me know when and where!'

As I set my phone down, I heard some of the noises from the dinosaurs, like the T-rex roar, Stegosaurus and Triceratops grumbles. I smiled to myself once more and went to get dressed.

Once I finished buttoning my pants, I heard my phone ding once more. I quickly walked over to it, unlocking it and opening the message.

Henry Wu: 'Alright, does 07:25 today work?'

Y/n: 'Mhm! See you then.'

I shut my phone off and went to go brush my teeth and brush my hair. As I was lost looking at myself in the mirror (not in a narcissistic way, don't worry-), I just wanted to break it. Who was I kidding? I didn't even look remotely appealing to the human eye, at least I thought so. You could pretty easily see the feminine features of my body, which made me even more uncomfortable. I leaned against the counter and just stared.

Why? Why did I have to look like this? Why do I have to be like this?

I subconsciously started crying, still angrily looking at how horrible I thought I was. Of course, of all times, my phone dings once more. I quickly wiped my tears and walked over to my phone.

'Assistant' - Henry Wu x Reader - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now