☆ C ~ XLVI ~ Tired Loving 😴💕

10 1 29

Word Count: 1083

POV (point of view): Third person

August 15th, 2014

Another regular, but hot as hell, day on Isla Nublar. The raptors and spinos were getting quite big now, the raptors almost being fully grown by now.. which caused some problems. Since they were this size, it was a death wish for anyone to go into the enclosure, unless the raptors weren't in there (but in a different closed off part or being taken care of). But then there was also Vic Hoskins. No further explanation needed.

Now that Vic kept interfering, Y/n spent less and less time with the raptors, now more with the spinos. Due to them just getting bigger, they had to be moved to a different enclosure, out of the lab. Thankfully there was an unused paddock that they could use for the babies, and thankfully it was mostly an aquatic paddock. The spinos were getting to a size that they just started pushing Y/n around, like he was another dinosaur or something.

Everytime he left, it became more difficult as the days went on- since the spinos pretty much only interacted with him and occasionally Henry or the dino 'vet' that came out once on a while to check on them. And they knew when it was time for him to leave now too, and they'd just sit on him like Delta used to with Owen. She can't do that anymore, sadly. But these spinos were roughly the size of the raptors now, if not bigger... and weighed more, which posed a problem for Y/n- who obviously wasn't going to be over a thousand pounds before adulthood (he's an adult tho dw-). The spinos didn't seem to realize they were literally crushing their human companion though, especially when it was both of them ontop of the male.

"I'm really starting to miss only having to work with the raptors..." Y/n groaned, rolling his shoulders as he sat down on Owen's couch.

"Why, dealing with Vic can't be much fun." Owen grunted, grabbing a beer before joining his friend on the couch.

"They aren't even a year old and they're already trying to kill me!"


One specific night, Y/n didn't go to the lab like he usually did after dealing with the dinosaurs he had to for whatever day, which led to Henry getting more work done.... he almost didn't notice his boyfriend never came by, until he did finally walk in, drenched in water and half covered in mud.

"What the hell happened to you?!" Henry almost laughed, never having seen Y/n like this before.

"You don't wanna know." Y/n shook his head deciding to not move from where he was standing, since he didn't wanna make a mess in the lab.

"Let's get you home and cleaned up, yeah?"

Getting the mud off his skin wasn't an issue... but his clothes? Oh, they were a lost cause. Henry didn't mind that Y/n wasn't wearing clothes at the moment though...

"Keep your eyes to yourself, mister." Y/n warned as he grabbed a shirt and put it on, glad he at least didn't have mud sticking to his skin now.

"Why? You're a much prettier sight." Henry smirked, Y/n already knew where this was going.

But, there was an issue with that. Y/n didn't know if he had it in him to do it tonight, he was worn out- and didn't need to be anymore worn out if he wanted to work tomorrow. That didn't mean he couldn't do something else though...

"You're annoying." Y/n grumbled as he walked over to Henry, kneeling in front of him and beginning to take his pants off.

"I love you too, baby." Henry chuckled, stopping Y/n's hands so he could do it himself.

Once Henry was pretty much half naked, not having his pants or boxers on now, Y/n didn't immediately 'get to work'. He sort of hesitated, just sitting there for a minute. Honestly, he'd zoned out, disassociated- it wasn't uncommon with him.. especially when they did anything intimate as of recent.

He snapped out of it though when Henry ran a hand through Y/n's hair, gently playing with it. "We don't have to do anything tonight if you don't want to, hun."

Y/n glanced up at his boyfriend, that wasn't something you heard everyday. He shook his head gently before moving closer and taking some of Henry's cock into his mouth. Immediately, he got a response- a deep moan came from his throat, Henry's hand stilling in Y/n's hair before gently tugging at it, wanting more. Of course he did, he was needy- he always was.

Being as tired as they both were, Y/n didn't rush like he usually did. Slowly taking him all the way in before going back to just the tip, humming- which caused vibrations against Henry that only gave him more pleasure. The slow, gentle but passionate pace was nice, it wasn't very often they did this- same with the slow and gentle kisses as well.

After a bit though, Henry felt Y/n stop, but didn't say anything for a bit... but when he opened his eyes to look down at his boyfriend, he was asleep. Y/n had fallen asleep mid blow job. His mouth had pulled away from Henry, his head resting against his inner thigh- just completely passed out.

Even though he didn't get what he desperately wanted, Henry wasn't mad. He understood Y/n had a long day, and was obviously tired. He gently pulled him up and into bed with him, sighing and kissing his forehead as they cuddled on top of the blanket.

"I love you." Henry mumbled into Y/n's hair, dozing off shortly after.


Hiiii, so I changed up this chapter a bit- I messed up the time and ended up doing this instead, but hey- I still wrote a lot, and the smut I originally planned, and I think it turned out great- but it's my writing so I can't really say much. The words for smut make me feel cringe tho honestly, so sometimes the smut chapters are kinda buns but uh, I try 😗.

Hope you guys enjoyed this one, haven't written smut in a while, and there's only I think one more smut chapter after this, so trying to make the most of it- hope yall have a great night/day!

-Jupiter 💜

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