C ~ XLII ~ Flowers 🌼🌷

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Word Count: 1025

POV (point of view): Switches between Third and First =D (OMG, SOMETHING OTHER THAN JUST THIRD PERSON 😱😱⁉️)

April 8th, 2014

"Yeah, no, I'm not going in there." Y/n chuckled, shoving Owen playfully.

"I'll get you a 12-pack." Owen joked, tossing his bag off to the side by Y/n's.

"Hah. As if you wouldn't drink it all first."

"Maybe a few."

"What about you, why don't you go in there?"

"And let you be the one to fully train them? I don't think so."

The two of them walked along the top of the Raptor Enclosure, still making comments about how it'd be funny if one of them went in there with the raptors. Over the last few months, the raptors got quite a bigger and became way more aggressive, but still very playful at times; so training hasn't been very physical or close. Today they weren't training, just making sure everything was working like it was supposed to, and eventually getting to their least favorite parts- the examinations. Every so often throughout the year, Owen, Y/n, and sometimes Barry, will get each Raptor over to an area where the only visible part is their heads and just examine basic things. (Deadass idk what I was on while writing that paragraph, I apologize 😭)

"Alright, that should be it for now.." Owen nodded at Y/n dismissing him.

"Great, same time tomorrow? Or do you need me next week instead?" Y/n walked over to grab his bag, noticing a bunch of flowers in the longer grass nearby.

"Tomorrow, yeah."

"Alright, see ya!"

Y/n waved at Owen before walking over to the flowers, slightly amazed they were there. Flowers weren't common on the island, or at least most of the island, especially if they weren't store-bought. He hesitated for a moment, wanting to pick them and give them to Henry but not wanting to get rid of them from the ground. He decided to pick a few, still leaving a fair amount.

(Switch over to first person, Henry's pov =P)

"That should be it for this one.." I sigh, turning off my computer and standing.

I look at the time, deciding between waiting here for Y/n or just going back to the living quarters- I chose the latter option and leave the lab. Once I began walking down the path to the living quarters, I notice some bright colors poking through the grass.

"..flowers?" I mumble, crouching down, suddenly getting an idea.

I grab a few of the flowers from the bottom of their stems and pull them from the ground before continuing down the path. Suddenly, my phone dinged in my pocket, so I stop and pull it out, smiling when I see Y/n's name.

Y/n <3: 'Hey, baby, are you done with work? I've got a surprise for you =)'

'Yeah, I am. I'm heading back to the living quarters now. I also have a surprise for you :)' :Henry

Y/n <3: 'Ooohh I can't wait =D'

I smile before putting my phone back in my pocket, continuing down the trail.

(Switch back to third person =P)

"Baby?" Y/n calls, opening the door.

"Hey." Henry smiles, hiding something behind him.

"What's your surprise?"

"Oh, uhm-"

Henry shrugs slightly before holding out the flowers he picked for Y/n. He froze for a moment before his face turning pink and he held the flowers he picked out too, smiling. They stand there for a brief moment before swapping flowers, Y/n immediately going to put them in a cup with water.

"There's something else I wanna show you, come on." Y/n grabbed Henry's hand, dragging him out the door and to the Gyrosphere Valley.


"Where are we going? I've never been in this area before.." Henry asked, almost unable to move his gaze away from Y/n.

"You'll see, it's just up here." Y/n smiled, stopping the Gyrosphere short after.

He gets out of the vehicle, holding his hand out for Henry to take. Y/n led him to an opening, near another watering hole, but it was quite different from the other spot.

This area had a clear view of the sky, a good portion of the Valley, and the metro tracks (deadass didnt know what to call it but yk what i mean, right??). The dinosaurs in the area, which there were quite a few, were mostly asleep- and underneath the night sky, some of the dinosaurs patterns glowed, very slightly but still glowed. By the watering hole and the whole area pretty much, had dozens of flowers.

Henry stood there silently in awe, glancing at Y/n who just had a big grin on his face. They walked over to the watering hole, sitting next to it.

"How.. how did you find this..? Why did you bring me here..?" Henry smiled, his tone soft and almost in a whisper as he keeps looking around.

"Me and Owen were looking for an injured baby, and I found this spot in the process.." Y/n shrugged, his free hand fidgeting with something in his pocket "Henry?"


Right as Y/n was about to speak, one of the dinosaurs bellowed, waking up quite a few of the others. One of the carnivore species in the valleys had been trying to attack a Triceratops while it was sleeping, making the kill easier.. but it failed- and now the whole herd was aware of it.

"Nevermind, we should probably go before we get caught up in this-" Y/n shook his head, pulling Henry with him as he stood up and headed back to the Gyrosphere.


AAAAA IM OFF MY MEDS AND IN YOUR AREA (ive never been on medication)

ERMM ANYWAYS.. I cracked. I went all year without touching the c.ai app but last Sunday I cracked and I currently have around 48 hours on it just from last week-

Not my proudest moment but eh

ANYWAAYYSSS.. I hope yall liked that, and I hope yall have an amazing day/night! I love yall =))

-Jupiter/Callisto 💜💛

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