C ~ V ~ Love 💕

119 5 23

Word Count: 1446

POV (point of view): First Person

Y/n = Your (preferred) name.


(In my opinion half of it doesn't make sense but that's okay-)

August 18th, 2011

After waking up, as of what happened the night prior, me and Henry headed down to the lab. I had stopped to check on the Raptors that had hatched a little while after I started working here. Owen had been working with them, me occasionally helping out; he told me what he named them a while back.

The one who had a blue-ish stripe running down from her head to tail, was named Blue; hence the stripe. Another one, which was a fairly light green, but more natural, was named Charlie. A more darker green, well less green more gray-ish, was names Delta. And the last one was a mix of an orange color with green-ish stripes down her back kinda like a tiger.

But after checking in on them, I headed down to Henry's lab. He was already there, sitting at his desk and working on something. I smiled and shook my head as I set my bag down next to the desk and hopped up onto the table.

He stopped working for a moment and looked over at me, chuckling slightly.

"What?" I chuckled as well, grabbing my notebook.

"Nothing, nothing at all." Henry shook his head and went back to work.

Me and Henry had decided to stay later in the lab, honestly we weren't really working; more talking. Well, he was partially working but still.

I got up to grab something from a shelf, not noticing Henry turning to look at me. When I turned around, I saw him quickly turn back.

"What?" I asked, returning to sit on the desk.

"Nothing.." Henry sighed, continuing his work.

Henry moved a hand over to my thigh and started rubbing it while we continued working. He had to take it off and put it back a few times, seeing as some other scientists kept walking in to grab some stuff.

It wasn't long until a loud thud was heard from outside, making Henry jump slightly. I looked over to the area the noise came from, seeing nothing out of the ordinary.

"What was that?" Henry murmured, squeezing my thigh slightly.

"Nothing I can see, probably just a bird hitting the window.." I sighed, going back to my work.

//time skip to like 17:37 (5:37 pm for anyone who doesn't know Military/24 hour time)\\

Me and Henry had actually managed to get a big majority of the work we needed to finish- get done. I sighed as I put my notebook down, about to hop off the table but Henry gripped my thigh harder.

"You alright?" I asked, looking over at him.

"Y/n..I have a question for you." Henry sighed, setting down his pen and turning to face me.

'Assistant' - Henry Wu x Reader - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now