C ~ XXVIII ~ Ideas 🤔💭

13 1 27

Word Count: 920

POV (point of view): Third person

Me rn honestly bc like all the chapters I'm currently working on are being mostly written in the same day =P

Also, I tried doing the picture thing again, hopefully it works >=) (pls let me know if it does/doesn't-)

June 15th, 2013

"Any luck?" Y/n asked, watching Henry jump slightly in his chair.

"Not really, have no idea what to do either.." Henry groaned, putting his head in his hands.

"You'll get it eventually."

"Yeah, well eventually needs to be either now or really fucking soon.."

"How bout you take a break? I've come in here nearly every half hour and you've just been sitting here trying to work."

"Trying to work is practically my break, I haven't been doing shit all day."

"Because you haven't let your brain have a break, now cmon, I'm taking you out to the river."

After a few minutes of struggling to get Henry out of his chair, Y/n finally succeeded and dragged him all the way to the Gyrospheres. He helped buckle himself, hardly letting Henry do a single thing by himself. On the way, Y/n glanced over and seen Henry nearly asleep next to him, making smile but sigh at the same time.

The two of them were people who 'liked' to overwork themselves, sometimes unintentionally. But, the other would always catch on and either criticize them or force them to take a break, even though they both did it. Hypocrites for overworking pretty much (I think that was the right word-).

"Henry, do you wanna just go back to the living quarters?" Y/n glanced at him, scaring him a bit.

"Uhm, no its fine.." Henry muttered, rubbing his eyes.

Y/n barely noticed this and decided to turn around, not caring if Henry protested or not. Hell, he didn't even notice, he was too tired to even really care (Me too girlie, me too 😮‍💨). Once they got back, he did pretty much the dame thing he did earlier and helped Henry get out, taking him back to the living quarters.

Almost the second they got in and Y/n took him over to the bed, Henry was asleep. Y/n shook his head, walking over and removing Henry's work uniform so he could get somewhat comfortable and saved him the trouble if he woke up randomly. Instead of joining him, Y/n decided to go carve something.

He pulled the things he needed from his bag and seated himself at the table, grabbing a drink too. After quite some time of deciding what to make, he settles with a silly little dinosaur, similar to the one he had made for Henry a while ago.

"Baby..?" Henry mumbled, Y/n just barely noticing.

"I'm over here, you alright?" Y/n kept his focus on the wood infront of him, trying NOT to cut himself.

"Can you come over here? I'm cold and lonely."

"Hm.. Gimme a second, Henry."

Y/n set down his half-done project and moved over to lie down with Henry, who immediately cuddled into him.

"Alright, now go to bed, idiot." Y/n sighed, kissing the top of Henry's head.

"Maybe.." Henry smiled, trying to move closer to Y/n.

"You better."

Henry didn't respond to him so Y/n assumed he had already fallen asleep, and decided to do the same. It took a few tries but eventually he managed to drift into sleep.


"Henry?" Y/n mumbled, blindly searching the bed for him.

"Yeah?" Henry turned around to look at his boyfriend in bed.

"What are you doing? It's like.. 23:19, come back to bed.."

"I gotta write this down really quickly, then I'll be right over."

Y/n huffed, standing up and walking over to where Henry was. He merely glanced at him before continuing to write at a quick pace, his writing hardly legible. Y/n moved his chair back and sat on Henry's lap, wrapping his arms around him.

"I know, I'm almost done, I promise, sweetheart.." Henry muttered, kissing Y/n's neck.

"How long have you been up.?" Y/n yawned, resting his head on Henry's shoulder.

"No idea, didn't bother looking at the clock, sorry, love."

"It's alright, just please finish that soon so we can go back to bed.."

"You can go, I'll be done soon."

"I'm not going until you're done, you should know this by now. If anything, I will fall back asleep right here until you're done."

"A little more and I'll be done, don't fall back asleep yet.."

Henry finally finished writing after nearly 10 minutes and Y/n was somehow still awake. He lightly tapped Y/n's thighs to see if he was still awake, which he was. He stood up off Henry lap and let him stand up before dragging him back to bed, which he gladly let him do (Too many he's/him in that sentence help 😵‍💫😵‍💫).

"What were you even writing anyways?" Y/n asked, pulling Henry into his chest.

"Just randomly thought of something that could be useful for what I'm working on, nothing much." Henry wrapped his arms around Y/n again.

"Mm, goodnight, Henry.."

"Goodnight, love."



but uh, hope yall have a great day/night =)

-Jupiter? 💜

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