☆ C ~ XXXI ~ Darling 🤭💕

23 1 17

Word Count: 969

POV (point of view): Third person

August 18, 2013

"Hey, love?" Henry called out, looking around the lab for his boyfriend.

"Yeah, wassup?" Y/n answered, appearing from around a corner.

"You need to stop hanging out with Owen so much.." Henry snickered, crossing his arms, "Remember the DNA for the Spino I was working on for you?"


"Well, I was finally able to finish working on it and now it's currently in the incubating process."

"I didn't think you were serious about that. Thank you."

"It's not that big of a deal, just a small task I guess."

Y/n rolled his eyes and walked over to give Henry a kiss. The two moved to their usual spots to begin working, not really sharing a word while they occupy space in the lab. Henry's hand, however, made its way onto Y/n's thigh– well his inner thigh. The 'unusual' placement made Y/n quirk an eyebrow, glancing at Henry for a moment.

"And what exactly do you think you're doing with that hand?" He smiled, returning his gaze back down to his paper, and slightly Henry's hand.

"Nothing, nothing at all, darling." Henry shook his head, inching his hand closer to its designated spot. (This sentence gave me a stroke, sorry if it doesn't make sense to yall either-)


Y/n tried focusing on his work again but Henry made it difficult, having his hand almost ontop of Y/n's crotch.

"Yeah, doing nothing my ass." Y/n scoffed slightly, looking up to see Henry already looking back at him.

"And what do you mean by that?" Henry smiled, finally having his hand almost where he wanted it to be.

"Hm, let me–"

Y/n had been cutoff when Henry stuck his hand into Y/n's pants– and boxers– and let his hand finally do what it's wanted, nearly pulling a moan out of Y/n. He turned his head back to his computer, not stopping his movements however. Y/n tried to get a grip on himself, mostly trying to ignore the feeling, but failing.

"Okay– you win, Henry– just let me–" Y/n cut himself off, exhaling loudly.

Henry was about to make a comment about how much of a mess his boyfriend was but loud knocking on the door stopped him, and his hand. Y/n quickly fixed his jeans and resumed working while Henry stood up to see who it was. He didn't pay much attention to who was at the door, just barely acknowledging Henry and the other person discussing 'something' Y/n knew to be the Indominus.

A few minutes later, Henry walked back to sit at his desk, looking at Y/n, who met his eyes not long after. Henry broke rye contact first, his face flushed slightly.

"Oh come on, don't tell me you've lost that confidence already. You were doing so well." Y/n tilted his head, smiling slightly as Henry's face only got redder.

He didn't respond to Y/n's teasing, trying to occupy himself with work instead. Y/n merely shrugged, hopping off the desk.

"I'm gonna head back to the living quarters, feel free to join me once you feel you've worked enough." He shrugged, gathering his stuff.

"Seriously? You're gonna leave me after that?" Henry smiled slightly, standing up from his chair.

Y/n didn't respond, just smiling back slyly and leaving the lab, leaving his boyfriend there, alone. He planned on heading back to the living quarters originally but decided to stop and pay Owen a visit. After a few minutes of walking, he reached the Raptor pen and noticed Owen was training with them, officially this time and still being unsuccessful.

As he left the pen and locked it up, he noticed Y/n and waved.

"Hey, how you been?" Owen smiled, walking over to Y/n.

"Eh, missing working with you guys." Y/n shrugged, crossing his arms.

"Well, you'll be back again next week, and then it's probably official."


The two kept a conversation for around a half-hour before Owen headed back into the Raptor pen for something. Y/n took the opportunity to leave for the living quarters, yelling a quick bye to Owen. When he was about to unlock the door to his place, muffled moaning was heard from inside; Henry's moaning. He smiled to himself before unlocking and opening the door, leaning in the doorway and watch Henry freeze in slight embarrassment.

"Couldn't wait like, 5 more minutes?" Y/n raised an eyebrow, closing the door behind him.

Henry moved his free hand to cover his flushed face, but it was removed shortly after by Y/n, who was now infront of him.

"How about we finish what we were doing earlier.."


Aight uhm, sorry for the delay yall, ik this probably wasn't the best either, I've been busy with end-of-the-year projects/work for school cuz some of my teachers wanna be whores for some reason, I've also been busy with other things going on and I finally managed to start another book that i havent had motivation for, similar with no motivation for this book either,(for something completely un-related to Jurassic World, so uh-?).

Uh, anyways, I'm gonna try and get the next two chapters I have planned out soon, hopefully today or tomorrow, and then after next week, I'll probably be uploading more since school will finally be over for me for summer break and shit so yk.

If I do upload the next two planned chapters today or tomorrow, I'll gave a A/N Chapter, just saying some shit so go check that out when I upload them =P

I hope yall enjoyed, and hope yall have a wonderful day/night!

-Jupiter? =)

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