C ~ X ~ The Gyro Valley 🌃

68 4 30

Word Count: 1357

POV (point of view): Third Person

Y/n = Your (preferred) name

This is my apology for the last chapter, it actually may be my favorite one so far =]]

Also, this chapter does take place a couple months after the one before, just a heads up =]

May 19th, 2012

"Hey, Henry?" Y/n said, walking into the room.

"Yes, love?" Henry responded, looking up from the work infront of him.

"Would you mind coming to do something with me?" Y/n smiled, walking over to Henry's chair and pulling it away from the desk.

"What exactly is it we'll be doing?" Henry chuckled.

"You'll see." Y/n grabbed Henry's hand, pulling him out of the lab.

The two of them walked through the park, Y/n leading the way as Henry shook his head and smiled.

"Where exactly are we going at.. 22:37?" Henry asked, following Y/n to the Gyrospheres.

"You'll see!" Y/n repeated, gesturing Henry to get in first.

Henry looked hesitant at first but stepped into the Gyrosphere, sitting down and buckling himself in. Y/n soon got in after him, doing the same steps.

Once the opening to the Gyrosphere closed, Y/n moved his hand to grab the gearstick and started moving the Gyrosphere around.

"Still confused as to why you're taking me to..wherever you're taking me." Henry sighed, tensing up in his seat a bit.

"It'll be fine, don't worry." Y/n smiled, being careful not to run into any dinosaurs, even if the Gyrosphere would let them get that close.

"Why can't you just tell me?" Henry groaned, shifting in his seat and looking over to Y/n who was very focused on driving.

"Because, it's a suprise." Y/n muttered, struggling a bit to see in the darkness of the valley.

Henry sighed, trying to look around but it was pretty difficult seeing as the sun already set; hiding below the horizon. Y/n smiled to himself once they finally reached the spot that Y/n was so eager to show Henry.

Y/n stopped the Gyrosphere and quickly got out, holding his hand out for Henry to grab. To which, he immediately grabbed once unbuckling the seat belt.

"So.. What are we looking for?" Henry sighed, following Y/n over to a pond.

"Nothing, just wanted to show you how pretty the view is from here.." Y/n smiled, sitting down next to the water, Henry joining him.

The sky looked like the usual void it was, stars littering throughout it. The moon, which was in its first quarter or half moon phase, providing slight lighting that shined across the water.

The dinosaurs that were around, luckily just Triceratops and Parasaurolophus didn't seem to mind the two just sitting there. Y/n moved his hand to rub Henry's back, leaning his head against his shoulder.

'Assistant' - Henry Wu x Reader - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now