C ~ XLV ~ Research 💉📸

8 1 32

Word Count: 1173

POV (point of view): Third person

June 4th-6th-8th, 2014

"He wants you to do WHAT?!" Claire nearly choked on her drink, looking at Y/n like he just murdered someone.

"It's not the serious, Claire, just some observing and documenting." Y/n shrugged, trying not to laugh at her "Owen said he'd gladly go with, I promise I won't steal your boyfriend."

Claire groaned, rolling her eyes as she took another sip out of the cup. Despite how dangerous the request was, Henry asked Y/n if he'd be interested in doing some documenting on a few dinosaurs, the spinos included. It wasn't anything super dangerous, otherwise Henry wouldn't have asked his boyfriend, but it was just stuff like behavior, especially when nobody was around the dinosaurs, pictures, etc... nothing dangerous.

"Not my boyfriend." Claire scoffed, shaking her head.

"Could be."

"Stop it!"

Y/n chuckled, getting up to get another juice box out of his fridge (how could I forget abt the juice boxes 😩🙏). He suddenly felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, sighing and taking it out to check what it was about. A text, from Owen.

"Hey, I gotta go– since you won't take him on a date, I'm going on a Dino date with your boyfriend." Y/n quickly shoved the straw into the opening for the juice box, going to put his boots on.

"He's not my boyfriend!"

"And Henry isn't a crazy scientist, I'll see ya later!"


"Why exactly did you wanna come?" Y/n asked as the two made their way to the area in the valley that the Allosaurus usually resided in.

"Got nothing better to do, I'd also you rather not just die alone out here." Owen shrugged, slowing down the vehicle.

"Who says I'm gonna die out here?"

"Uh, Henry– and me."

Y/n rolled his eyes, getting out of the vehicle once they got to a good, hidden spot– Owen following a few moments later. The area the jeep was parked in was more in the wooded area than out in the open valley, which would make it less obvious where the two were.

The first few days, they'd be coming out everyday, after checking on the raptors, and then would monitor some of the allosaurus'. Thanks to the specific color patterns on these ones, they wouldn't get the dinosaurs mixed up with other ones (other allosaurus', sorry that seemed really confusing to me-). After the first four, then they'd monitor some other dinosaurs, no specific kind as long as it was a carnivore and it was the same one for the four days. Then the last four days, the baby spinosaurus'.


June 6th

"They really don't do much, do they?" Owen commented, not realizing Y/n wasn't even responding to him.

Over the last two days, they hadn't really gathered much on the three Allosaurus' they were observing. The one with yellow markings seemed to do the most though... when it wasn't trying to reproduce with the other ones, so they assumed that one was male and the other two were the females. Could be wrong, just a guess though.

The one with the darkest markings and overall color pallete seemed to like trying to go after every dinosaur it could, if she wasn't just lying around like she did for most of the day... She didn't even bother trying to stop the yellow marked one, until she got sick of it and bit him... probably the laziest out of the three.

Part of the notes Y/n had was about the last one specifically, more than the other two. This one had blue markings, mostly her underbelly and arms.. but she also had a few eggs. Despite that, she was the most active one, always going out and just hunting, mostly being successful... thankfully the male wasn't uh... possessive and didn't eat the eggs or anything.. well, they were his doing after all. The eggs were a pretty color, not one you'd really expect from a dinosaur– they weren't a light color at all but a mix of the dark color the male was and some specks of blue. It was almost like they were fake, but nope, they weren't... and they found that out on the last day.


June 8th

The last day with the Allos; Owen was already regretting coming out here with Y/n and they were only a third of the way through this 'quest'. Surprisingly, they got a lot of stuff written down... most of the pictures were lost causes though– the range wasn't the best, but some of them were amazing.

When Owen and Y/n set everything up, Y/n noticed the blue one acting differently... well, she was just.. standing there, watching her eggs and bring very aggressive towards the other two and any other dinosaur that came at all close to her. He elbowed Owen's side, a little too roughly, but whenever he did this he usually wanted the binoculars he had in the bag.

Once he got them adjusted, Y/n looked in the direction of the eggs, and one of them had actually hatched. The color was different though, very pretty but different. Instead of the darker pallettes it's parents had, the baby was a cream color not like white but like a darker cream color (get your mind out the gutter 😐), but had some blue markings like its mama.

"Look at this," Y/n shoved the binoculars towards Owen as he quickly grabbed his notebook, writing things down.

Owen let out a whistle before handing the binoculars back, but Y/n was too busy writing that he never grabbed them. He glanced up for a second, but it became longer than a second when he noticed the male Allosaurus trying to get close to the eggs. The mother did not take well to that.

"Someone's angry," Owen mumbled, watching the blue marked female take a swipe at the male, biting him when he tried getting close.

"If you were a woman with kids, you'd get it." Y/n was just completely admiring the scene going on by the river, far away from them obviously for many reasons, but still. "Hell, if you ever have kids you'd get it." (Foreshadowing 🙊⁉️)



Okay honestly, I'm not sure if Allosaurus' were even in the Gyrosphere Valley but wtv, this is just a fanfic, doesn't have to be 100% accurate 🤷‍♀️. I was gonna do the rest of the 'week', with the other dinos and then spinos, but I kinda gave up when writing the other dinos part and I didn't want to just completely skip over them but wasn't sure what dinosaur to even have them watch so uh... if the spinos part would be something that interests you guys, js lemme know and I'll make a side chapter continuing this =)!

Anyways, hope it was good, not too bland, and I hope yall have a good night/day!

-Jupiter 💜

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