☆ C ~ VI ~ Uno and Drinks 🍻🃏

204 5 40

Word Count: 1521

POV (point of view): First Person

Y/n = Your (preferred) name.

I couldn't really find any cards, so the Joker will have to do I guess-

Also, this chapter contains some yk scenes so enjoy 🙂🔫

I think ima make the next chapter a lil spicy for y'all 😏

August 28th, 2011

It's been a few weeks since I've started working with Owen and the Raptors more, and since Henry and I started dating. Since then, things have been pretty normal.

The Raptors finally started acting normal again, but I still worked with them anyways. Honestly, out of all the dinosaurs so far, they interest me the most. Especially this pack.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my phone buzz. I picked it up and unlocked it.

Claire Dearing: 'Hey Y/n! Hope I'm not bothering you currently, but I was just curious why you weren't at the lab today?'

I gasped and quickly stood up, completely forgetting I had work today.

Y/n: 'Hey, I'm so sorry. I completely forgot I had work today, but it's tomorrow that I don't have work.. I'm on my way now!'

I groaned as I slipped my shoes on, grabbing my bag and walking out the door. I arrived not to long after leaving, still trying to catch my breath from running.

"Hey! You good?" Claire asked, grinning slightly.

All I could do was nod, reaching for my bag to grab my water bottle. I took off the cap and chugged it, sighing as I put it back in my bag. Claire looked at me with confused and concern on her face.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow, she shook her head and sighed.

"Nothing." She rolled her eyes and walked away.

I scoffed, walking over to the door to Henry's lab. I sighed as I walked in, setting my stuff down next to his desk.

He surprisingly wasn't in there, probably talking with one of the other scientists. I sat down on the desk and pulled out my notebook, humming to myself.

I started reading over the notes I've collected from the raptors over the past few months. It wasn't long until I heard the door open, and Henry walking in.

"Hey pretty boy." Henry smiled, walking over to me.

"Hi love." I rolled my eyes, kissing his cheek.

He sat down at his desk, sighing slightly.

"You okay?" I asked, looking at him with concern.

"Mhm. Just a bit stressed over work currently." Henry smiled slightly, rubbing my thigh as he spoke.

I sighed, grabbing my phone and unlocking it. I opened up my messages and clicked on Claire's message. From when I got here.

Claire Dearing: 'No problem, see you soon!'

Y/n: 'Hey, Claire. Could I ask you something?'

'Assistant' - Henry Wu x Reader - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now