SC ~ II ~ Jealousy 😒🙊

59 3 48

Word Count: 1574

POV (point of view): Third Person

So, another request from EERORAZRA, pretty much requesting a chapter where somebody is flirting with Henry and Y/n gets jelousy and uh, Y/n makes it kinda clear Henry's taken (being the girl boss he is-) 🙈

Anyways, Enjoy =)

October 13th, 2012

Y/n usual obnoxious alarm had woke both him and Henry up for the 3rd time this morning. Henry finally got up to turn it off, since Y/n only grabbed a pillow to muffle the sound. After turning it off, Henry lied back down next to Y/n and took his pillow back.

"Good morning, sweetheart." Henry smiled, kissing Y/n's forehead.

"Morning.." Y/n mumbled back, still in the process of waking up.

Henry chuckled and got out of bed, after kissing Y/n's forehead again. Around the time Henry got done getting ready, Y/n had just got out of bed, well at least sat up in bed. He was just sitting there and staring at how stupid his feet looked through the blanket, making Henry confused and chuckle slightly.

Y/n eventually snapped out of his thoughts and actually got out of bed, grabbing the jeans he wore the day before, struggling to put them on since his foot kept getting caught in the holes that had been made from the raptors constantly attacking his legs. Eventually, he finished getting dressed and turned to Henry, who was looking through Y/n's fridge for something besides juice boxes to drink.

"You finally ready?" Henry asked, shutting the fridge door after not finding anything to drink besides water bottles and juice boxes. "Also do you even drink anything besides juice?"

"Yup, sorry that took so long. Yes, I do actually, juice is just easier to store and it's pretty good." Y/n shrugged, grabbing his bag and opening the door.

"Whatever you say." Henry muttered, walking through the door before Y/n.

The two of them were pretty quiet on the walk until they got to the lab, both of them immediately heading for Henry's lab so they could avoid people as best they could.

Unfortunately for them, one of the new workers over in the medbay had noticed them and had got to them before they reached Henry's lab.

"Hi! I'm Harper, I started working over in the medbay last night, it's nice to meet you Dr.Wu." Harper introduced herself, not even noticing Y/n was there.

"Oh, uhm- It's nice to meet you as well?" Henry replied, glancing over to Y/n who was glaring at Harper.

"If it's not too much of a bother, I had a few questions about the dinosaurs.. and your work of course!" Harper leaned against the wall, clearly showing she didn't plan on leaving anytime soon.

Henry glanced over at Y/n again who looked even more upset but decided to see what Harper's intentions were before acting on his emotions. Henry answered Harper's questions to the best he could without giving too much information away, still looking between Harper and Y/n as he spoke. Eventually, Harper's questions began to turn into flirtatious questions that Henry was completely oblivious to.

Y/n, however, had picked up on what she was trying to do and it only made him more pissed. He walked behind Henry and wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling his against his chest.

'Assistant' - Henry Wu x Reader - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now