C ~ XLIII ~ Accidents Happen 🩹🩸

9 1 19

Word Count: 663

POV (point of view): Third person

April 25th, 2014

"No no no, that's not how it went– you walked up to the guy, held out your hand, and went: 'Orange Potato'," Y/n rolled his eyes at Owen as they walked around the outside of the Raptor Enclosure, trying to get work done without distracting each other "Poor guy was horrified."

"Why can't they just call them that? It's like the same thing." Owen made a face at Y/n, nudging him roughly as he walked by, causing him to drop what he was holding.

Y/n muttered something under his breath, mostly calling Owen names. He quickly picked up what he dropped and caught up with Owen, nudging him back.

This continued for a good while as they both tried rushing to get their work done to call it a day and do whatever they wanted.. well, not whatever they wanted but close enough. It took them nearly an hour to finish up– they were racing each other but ended up tying– and decided to leave it at that.

"You have fun with you red-head, yeah?" Y/n smirked, nodding at him and picking his bag up.

"Have fun with your lab buddy." Owen snorted, earning a punch to the arm as they split ways.


Y/n made his way past the bunches of people crowding the hallways of the lab, well outside of it, they obviously weren't allowed in. He nodded at one of the only workers he could tolerate in the room and slid off into Henry's part of the lab, smiling at the firmilar figure slumped over his desk

"Hey, sweetheart." Y/n walked up behind him and put his hands on Henry's shoulders when his head lifted tiredly, a low hum being his partial response.

The more they were there, the more Henry got like this. He slept well at night, sure, but dealing with people not just in the lab but outside of it as well. Y/n couldn't blame him, he couldn't stand half the people either, but, it was pretty much their jobs.

A somewhat content groan left Henry as Y/n's hands started working against his shoulders, massaging them. He mumbled a thank you and let his head meet the back of the chair, looking up at the person he adored most. Y/n smiled at him and kissed him, pulling back slightly before kissing all over his face, earning tired giggles from Henry.

"We'll get going soon." Y/n mumbled, kissing the top of Henry's head before sliding his hands off his shoulders and walking over to the closet to grab something.

"Ow– Fuck!"

"You alright, darling?" Henry looked towards the closet, concerned by the sudden noise of metal meeting the floor and his boyfriend swearing and mumbling.

"Dropped the fucking– Oowww!" Y/n groaned, coming out of the closet and looking around the room for any potential first aid– nearly ripping it open upon finding it.

Henry sighed as he got up from his chair, walking over to help Y/n and look at the damage he caused. A long gash ran from his wrist to around his mid forearm– all from dropping some little metal thing he didn't even know was there. Y/n slid onto the counter and held his arm out for Henry to deal with, knowing he would've anyways even if Y/n tried to tell him off.

"I'm scared for the day you come in here while you're bouncing off the walls, might have to wrap you in something so you won't get hurt by anything or everything." Henry rolled his eyes as he cleaned the wound before wrapping it up, a little tighter than Y/n would've preferred but oh well.


Uhmmmm sorry this was a shorter chapter, just going through and seeing the ones I needed to finish, never published this one for some reason?? (I wrote it back in February....)

'Assistant' - Henry Wu x Reader - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now