☆ Headcannons =0

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This chapter is just a make-up for my absence lately, I've been wanting to write more (especially a Valentines Day side chapter) but I can never get them to come out right or come up with a good name or whatever for them so yeah, I'm gonna try figuring something for the 20th chapter to the main story.

Anyways, title pretty much says it all, I've mentioned this in a chapter before, but since I've been a couple chapters behind the publish amount I wanted to have in the past few weeks, I'll be uploading this while I sort it out. This is mainly just gonna be headcannons I have for Henry, there may be some for Y/n AND Henry.

Enjoy ig?


- He's literally shorter than practically anyone he's met, unless it's a child but even then it's unlikely (Maisie literally seemed almost as tall or taller than him in JW:Dominion 💀).

- He HATES when people (besides Y/n) just kinda walk into his lab unannounced, he'll sometimes just ignore them entirely if he's that out of it.

- Will literally keep a spot of his desk clear so Y/n can sit on it while he works (aka his signature spot in Henry's lab).

- His hair is actually pretty soft (even though it kinda looks like he tried pulling a Draco malfoy in the first two JW films 💀💀)

- May act dominate but he's literally such a bottom bro
-(^^) Most of the time is the bottom, very rarely he'll top.

- SUCKS at Uno, like he's only won like twice in all of the matches he's played in.

- Falls asleep at his desk in the lab more than half of the year, most the time Y/n has to drag him back to the living quarters.
-(^^) On the rare occasions he does fall asleep outside the lab (living quarters), he always wants to cuddle, him almost always being the little spoon.

- Literally DIES when Y/n shows like the slightest bit of affection (ex: holding hands, cheek kisses, playing with his hair, hugs- especially from behind, PA- Public affection- and all that stuff)-(I'm a whore for this stuff dude 😭).

- Would probably let Y/n choose certain things for a Dinosaur that he's in the process of making (Something like the color, not sure if that's a choice for the process but this is fictional so shhhh 🤫🤫).

- This man is literally a lightweight, giving him more than like 5 drinks will either make him pass out or be extremely goofy the rest of the night until he passes out.

- Besides being oblivious to people (besides Y/n) flirting with him, when he notices someone flirting with Y/n, he gets extremely jealous and protective (ignoring the fact he's shorter than whoever he's mad at).


I definitely have more that I can think of but I either don't know how to word them or think they're too silly to put here so I'll leave this here for now =)

Sorry again that I haven't been uploading at all, I've just had hella writers block whenever I find time to write but I'm trying to work on the 20th chapter before the end of February.

Hope you guys somewhat liked this chapter, it's a bit different than what I normally do so yeah.

Have a great day/night =)!

'Assistant' - Henry Wu x Reader - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now