Despair Bear: Part 1

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"I'll let you in on a little secret, I always add a little cream to the chocolate to make the gonaush extra velvety then I let it fuse for one minute," Tom explains as he does his job, Marinette's dad had come into school today for home economics class to teach us how to make macaroons. "I love it when your dad comes to class and gives us pastry lessons," Alya whispers to Mari so as to not interrupt the lesson. "So does he," Mari giggles before our attention turns to Chloé who of course was complaining. "Do you seriously think I'm gonna get my hands dirty cooking like some maid?! If I want a croissant I just make my butler get it for me." "He's not making croissants Chloé, those are macaroons!" Rose corrects her and Chloé rolls her eyes as Tom continues his lesson, soon showing the result of his batter.

"Now we need to chill it for half an hour. Marinette?" Marinette jumps at her father calling out to her. "Yes, Dad?" "Could you put this in the school cafeteria fridge for me please while I show your classmates how to whip up egg whites," Mari nods and heads out with the bowl but before Tom could even grab some eggs from his cooler the fire alarm starts to go off.

The class heads out and Tom, Alya, and I find Marinette had barely even walked a couple of steps away from the door looking just as confused. "I hope it's just a fire drill," Tom comments as we head outside and wait for the fire department to arrive. Turns out it wasn't a fire drill nor was there an actual fire someone had decided to call the fire department and waste their time instead of letting them deal with real emergencies. As expected Mr. Damocles was not happy with the students.

"So some smart alec had the bright idea of calling the fire department. Somebody amongst us thought it would be funny to waste the fire captain's valuable time," Mr. Damocles announces, giving a disapproving look to everyone. "Yes in fact if you wouldn't mind I'll-" The fire captain tries to leave understandably but Mr. Damocles holds up his hand for the captain to wait. "Hold on, I want the guilty party to apologize to you," Marinette starts to whisper to me and Alya. "I'm sure it was Chloé. I saw her on the phone right before the alarm went off." "While it is probable she did it..." I start to say and Alya finishes my thought.

"You seeing her make a phone call isn't solid proof," Mari lets out a huff knowing we were right when Chloé raised her hand, gaining everyone's attention. "Mr. Damocles sir? I saw a student leaving the classroom right before the alarm went off. It must have been her." "Really? Who was it?!" Mr. Damocles demands and with a snarky smirk, Chloé points at Marinette. "Let's see if she'll come clean. What do you say Marinette Dupain-Cheng!" Everyone but Alya, Nino, Adrien, and I gasp and turn towards Marinette.

"Marinette, do you have something to tell the firefighter captain?" Mr. Damocles asks, crossing his arms as he glares at Mari. Before she could defend herself Adrien steps in for her. "Excuse me sir but it couldn't possibly be Marinette, why would she disrupt her own father's baking class?" "And I know for a fact that Marinette didn't have her phone on her when she went out of the classroom, it was in the back of the room charging and should still be there," Alya chimes in before I do. "Plus she's the class deputy who has helped me make the classroom a better learning place why would she want to put that risk over a prank she clearly doesn't find funny."

Everyone starts mumbling to themselves and nodding in understanding, the fire captain trying to leave again. "Mr. Damocles I really must be heading out-" "Just one more second, we must be close to discovering the truth," Mari glares Chloé muttering under grit teeth "I'm not gonna let her get away with this I gotta tell-" She's cut off by Adrien who grabs her shoulder and whispers close to her ear but loud enough for Alya and me to hear.

"Hang on Marinette, we don't know for sure if it was her." "He's right we shouldn't stoop to her level," I add in and the poor fire captain makes another attempt to leave. "I really must be going now just call me if you find the guilty party-" Once again Mr. Damocles stops him declaring that if no one was gonna own up to this everyone would be punished, earning a chorus of gasps. "What?! I'm not so sure my Father would react kindly to being punished without any proof," Chloé yells out pulling out her phone. (none of the parents would. Everyone call your parents) 

"Oh please don't disturb the busy mayor. Ahem! The whole school is punished except for Miss. Bourgeois," Mr. Damocles corrects himself, and another chorus of gasps erupt before glares were sent Chloé's way. Once the fire captain was finally allowed to leave everyone but Chloé received the punishment to clean the school. "Do you guys see what just went down?" Alya asks in disbelief and I nod with a huff before our attention to a red-faced Marinette as her hand rested on the ear Adrien whispered into. "I know, Adrien just talked in my ear!" Alya and I facepalm seeing her swoon like that.

Not long after we were all cleaning, I was assigned to sweep and after about twenty minutes I ended up sweeping the area Chloé was relaxing. "Can't you see I'm trying to relax here? Go sweep somewhere else Cinderella," She yells at me, earning her a glare as I continued to sweep when Adrien approached Chloé. I was close enough to hear the conversation. "Chloé was it you who called the fire department?" He bluntly asked and Chloé scoffed. "Of course, it was me who called the fire department, so what?" "And it doesn't bother you that everyone's being punished because of you?"

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