Backwarder: Part 3

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"Chat Noir, I was at Master Fu's earlier! We can't let her touch me or she'll lead Hawkmoth straight to the guardian and the miracle box," Ladybug exclaims when Chat moves in front of us to block, Backwarder's attack. "I'll gladly be your bodyguard M'lady. In no time you'll be back to the way you were before you got akumatized!" Chat says, his staff continuously blocking her sword before Ladybug wrapped her yoyo around her and threw her into a lamp post while I whispered to Chat.

"I was also at Master Fu's so I can't get touched either, thankfully though she doesn't know I've been there but in case she hits me you and Ladybug need to be ready to stop me," He nods in understanding before charging at Backwarder only to be thrown back when she taps the lampost and he rams into it, soon landing on his back.

He starts rolling left and right to avoid being touched by her sword when I run up and swipe my kunai knives at her ideogram. Backwarder hops back for a moment before lunging at me and I block with my weapons while she pushes me back. We both jump away from each other when a fence comes flying our way. More of the metal fence comes but follows after Backwarder as LB kept throwing things at her such as a car. "Return to sender!" Chat uses this opportunity to extend his staff through a hole in her weapon and throws her into the Obélisque de Louxor with a reminder to be nice to his m'lady.

Throwing her yoyo, Ladybug breaks the Obélisque de Louxor as it crumbles down toward Backwarder who only reverses it. "You're wasting your time while I grow stronger." "We're not gonna defeat her this way," I say when she comes charging toward me and starts swiping at me. I move back to avoid her attacks while blocking what I could. That's when I'm pushed to the ground. "Time's up (s/n)," Ladybug rushes up and kicks Backwarder making her touch the garbage can behind me, and trash flies out while I crawl away.

The three of us make our escape to Jardin des Tuileries and hide while Backwarder looked for us talking about how she was gonna find her sweetheart. "It's time we made a plan," Chat suggests and LB nods, quietly summoning her lucky charm and we're given a pipe. "That's incredible. I was just thinking to myself, why don't we redo the fountain's plumbing while we're here," Chat jokes when Ladybug runs out in the open.

"She's gone away, quick, let's make the most of it!" She grabs a string from a stray kite and hands it to Chat telling him to tie it to his ankle before passing me the pipe and asking me to draw an x at a certain spot and then place the pipe down. We do as we're told before being told to tie the other end of the string to the pipe. "Your Lucky Charm seems more convoluted than usual," Chat comments and she nods.

"It's the most complicated ever and need to stay focused," She hums in thought before speaking again. "Ok, now stretch your arm out like this and take a few steps back until the string is pulled tight," He does as he's told while I stand to the side with my arms crossed trying to make sense of what she was planning. "Perfect. Now raise your arm and say Cataclysm backwards," After quickly helping him learn how to say cataclysm backwards, she starts a stopwatch on her yoyo with the final instruction to pull the tube back to him. She then whispers to me, "When Chat is hit by Backwarder we must do what we can to get Backwarder standing on this spot within the time limit."

I nod as we start looking for Backwarder who was shouting for us to come out. "Come out! You're only delaying the inevitable." "Sorry, we got a little held back but we're all your's now, no more time outs," She charges at us and LB apologizes to Chat Noir before pushing him straight toward Backwarder and he gets hit. His actions start rewinding, plus he was speaking backwards. 

"One down. I can't believe Fu let a coward keep the ladybug miraculous who'd sacrifice her own Chat Noir," She starts chasing Ladybug as we lead her back to the marked spot. I get there first and soon call out to Backwarder who was still trying to hit Ladybug. "Oh, Backwarder! Why waste time on Ladybug? You know if you can manage to hit me, I could take you back to Fu, I saw him earlier today too," I tease with a smirk, catching her attention.

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