Luka Chapter Twenty-One

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I nod my head to the beat of (y/n)'s song she collaborated on with Jagged Stone as I continued to get ready for today. I was honestly pretty excited because today would be our first date as a couple. Heck I was still surprised (y/n) had asked me out, I thought I'd have to be the one to do it. Once ready I head over to the bakery and wait for (y/n) to come on out so we could head to the ice rink, we had decided to not do a traditional dinner date or a cliche movie date. (me and my boo lol) 

Just as I was rounding the corner to the bakery Marinette runs into me. She blinks in confusion before quickly backing up and apologizing as (y/n) made her way over. This is when I notice Mari was in her pjs, I hold in a snicker before turning my attention to my beautiful girlfriend. "Hey (y/n) you look beautiful, ready for our date?"

"Yeah just gotta do one thing," She looks at Marinette and asks "Forgetting something?" "I forgot to pack my swimsuit!" Shaking her head she points down and Mari notices the problem. "I have to change!" She turns around to run back home when she bumps into Adrien. Now that's a surprise. "Marinette! You live near here right? Can I hide out at your place?" He desperately asks and I exchange a confused look with (y/n). "A-At my place? You? Hide out? What's going on?" 

"Too late," Adrien mumbles as we hear a chorus of people calling out to Adrien. "Follow me!" Mari says and we all follow her into the nearby park and into the fountain that had been turned off. Once the coast is clear, Adrien thanks us for the help. "Thank you for saving me, people are going crazy over this ad." "We can tell."

(y/n) chuckles before turning to me, stating "Not exactly how I thought our first date as a couple would start." "At least this'll be an entertaining story," I laugh out before noticing out of the corner of my eye Adrien's stare at Marinette, I understood it well, he found her attractive, looks wise at least. I can't help but smirk, I'll have to talk with him later about that.

"All good now," Marinette exclaims shooting up and moves to get out of the fountain when Adrien drags her back in, worriedly staring at the car in the street outside. "Isn't that your bodyguard?" (y/n) asks, Adrien letting out a nervous chuckle. "I uh actually snuck out. I'm supposed to be at home right now and-" There's a flash and the four of us turn to see a park cleaner had taken our photo and posted it on the internet, stating the caption out loud. "Adrien and his girlfriend hiding in the fountain with another couple!" Quickly we leave before Adrien's bodyguard shows up, leading us into the subway station

"I'm so sorry I got you into this crazy mess guys, I didn't mean to interrupt your date, Luka, (y/n), plus now everyone thinks you're my girlfriend Marinette." "It's fine you can't control how your fans act besides as long as (y/n) is having fun so am I," I say as I look at (y/n) and can't help but smile at her. "Oh, that's turrible-I mean it's not that terrible really, or i-is it? Or not?" Marinette stutters for a moment before continuing. "Anyway do you think it's gonna be ok between you and your dad?" "How could anything bad happen? With my Marinette lucky charm," He says, pulling out the lucky charm with a wink. "It's Adrien from the ad!" We hear a women squeal, a crowd on the other side of the tracks soon forming and taking photos. "Time to go," I say, grabbing (y/n)'s hand, and Adrien, Marinette's as we took off toward the other side of the station.

But our hope to escape was crushed as Adrien's bodyguard came running down the stairs and we turn around only to see the other end blocked by the mob. Adrien calls out to me and looks at the train, I look and understand immediately. If we wanna leave we gotta get on. The two of us tackle the girls inside and the train takes off. We get off the train at Concord, avoid a few more people by putting on some disguises, and sneak into the movie theater, ducking into one of the showrooms. "Good thinking guys, without these disguises we never would've made it here," Adrien thanks us and Marinette shakes her head. "No, it was your idea to duck into this dark theater remember? That was smart." "Actually this is where I was headed when those crazed fans suddenly showed up. Thanks to you my father won't find out." "You're not allowed to go to the movies?"

I ask in disbelief before memories of asking mom about dad pop up, not exactly the same thing but not being allowed to know the truth felt suffocating in a way, even more so for him not being allowed out of the house. But I can't help but wonder when mom will actually tell me and Juleka who our dad is. "I am. With my bodyguard or Nathalie of course but I'm not sure my father would've allowed me to see this particular movie," He explains (y/n) and I exchange confused looks, now wondering what movie we were watching. "Did you catch a glimpse of what the name of the movie was?" She asks and I shrug, I took a glimpse but that was it.

"Not sure Solitare I think, I only glanced for a second, never heard of it though," I then lean in with a smirk. "I thought we were trying to avoid going to the movies for our first date as a couple." "I thought so too but if you haven't noticed our date hasn't stuck to the plan all day." "No, no I haven't," We laugh before Adrien explains that this was a rare movie, shirking away from the gaze of someone giving us a confused look.

 "I don't think the unnoticed bit went too well actually," Mari giggles out and we agree. "You can say that again." "Oh well at least I'll get to see it not to mention this is the first time I've ever come to the movies with a friend," That's when the Adrien ad comes on, and Mari starts speaking along with the ad like earlier, soon giving Adrien an embarrassed smile once she was caught. The ad ends, the lights go out and the movie begins. It was a black and white film produced by Mayor Bourgeois, the scene zooms in on a lady walking in the rain the name Emilie Agreste appears next to her. Emilie turns toward the camera and Adrien takes off his helmet to look at her better. She was stunning even if the movie was black and white. We see a flash and turn to see that guy who was giving us looks earlier. "Adrien at the movies in a helmet with his girlfriend wearing a towel on a double date with a couple wearing the same getup," The four of us give the guy an annoyed look.

It wasn't long before a brunette boy bursts through the door with an Adrien cut-out screaming at the top of his lungs. "Adrien's at the movies!" More people fill the theater trapping us in. "We're trapped in, what are we gonna do?" Before any of us could come up with an idea the building shakes and a large blue hand bursts through the ceiling, grabbing Adrien. We all stare at the large blue ape in shock. What exactly was I looking at right now? I didn't get too much time to ponder over it because I was being pushed and shoved out of the theater by the crowd. "Wait (y/n)! Marinette!" I call out to the two but don't see them anywhere as I try to get back into the theater but eventually was shoved into a safe room with everyone else. I try texting the two but got no response. Why was it that they were always missing and unavailable during an akuma attack?

Finally, we were let out and I rushed to the bakery, calling (y/n). "Hello." "(y/n)! You're ok, right?" "Yeah, are you? I lost you at the movie theater. When I couldn't find you I figured you had gone off to safety so I did the same," She steps out of the bakery and gives me that irresistible smile of hers and I pull her in for a tight hug. "So how about we continue that date?" She offers and I agree as we head to the ice rink and took a basic skating class. While we were holding onto each other I slipped and took (y/n) down with me. "You know if you wanted to kiss me all you had to do was ask," I tease her after noticing how close she was to my face and her eyes widen, face reddening while pounding on my chest. "Shut up!" I laugh before pulling her in for another hug. This girl was seriously amazing.

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