Luka Chapter Thirty-One

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"Once we get to London, we'll do a headcount of all the students and then get on the bus and make our way to Big Ben. While we're touring Big Ben, it'll be your job to watch the students and make sure they don't sneak off or cause any trouble. Do you think you could handle that Luka?" Ms. Bustier asks me, handing me a sheet of paper with the itinerary for the school trip. I nod my head in agreement. "Sounds simple enough, I can do that." "Oh good, I can't thank you enough for offering to help chaperone this trip, especially this one," Ms. Bustier voices her gratitude and I give her a smile when we see some of the students approach and I help them pack their stuff in the train's compartment.

Once most people's things were put up I was told I could head to my seat. I sit down and wait excitedly for (y/n) to show up, Ms. Bustier was kind enough to pair us up for the ride and I couldn't wait to see her surprised face when she saw me there. "Luka? What are you doing here? You're not part of our class," I hear her ask, as she gives me an adorable shocked face while sitting down. " The school needed another chaperone for this school trip and Juleka asked Ms. Bustier if I would be able to be the chaperone and after a discussion with the school and my mom they agreed. So I'm just here to keep an eye on all of you," I explain with a wink as the train starts to move. About an hour into the trip, we hear Marinette who was sitting across from us yawn loud enough for the entire class to hear, causing more than a few chuckles, as I notice (y/n) stifle her own yawns.

"Geez, why are you and (y/n) tired? What were you two doing all night?" Alya asks, leaning on the armrest as she looked between her two best friends. "I was trying to come up with a plan to tell Adrien that I well...You know," Marinette shrugged, and (y/n) chimes in with, "I was trying to get her to go to bed," She then rests her head on my shoulder, and I shift myself to make it more comfortable for her before wrapping my arm around her and I suggest, "Why don't you take a nap, we still got about two hours before we arrive in London."

Before she could close her eyes a service box rolls up and asks if we'd like a beverage. (y/n), looks up at me, silently asking if I'd like anything and I respond with, "Orange juice please," (y/n) orders two beverages and after taking a few sips from her beverage, cuddles up close and starts to doze off. I smile down at (y/n) and watch her peacefully sleep as I kiss the top of her head, whispering "Sweet dreams mon amour," I then gently rest my head on top of hers and try to take my own nap but ten minutes had barely passed by when Lila came up trying to bug Marinette who was cuddling with Adrien after he switched with Alya. I stare at with her in slight annoyance as Alya stops her and asks if she needs something. "Yeah, see I get motion sickness and I know Marinette always has a solution to everything." "I get it but Marinette and (y/n) are asleep and are super exhausted and we shouldn't disturb them more than we possibly have so..." I open my mouth to ask them to take this conversation elsewhere when I notice that (y/n) had woken up a bit when Sabrina cut in saying she could help Lila.

(y/n) goes back to sleep and I try to as well but it wasn't long before everyone in the train car came rushing into our car in a panic muttering and mumbling to themselves. I feel (y/n) start to stir again and I grab her headphones, plug them in and put on some peaceful music and hand them to her whispering, "Put these in and listen to the music so you won't keep being woken up," She does and tries to go back to sleep again while I gently rub her arm and kiss the top of her head again. But once again something happens that just won't let my poor girl sleep.

"Ladies and gentlemen! I am Startrain. You all get to live my dream with me as we shoot off the rails and fly like a rocket to explore not just the moon but the entire universe. Fasten your seatbelts we have lift off!" The train suddenly takes off at high speed toward the sky and we all watch in shock as we fly out into space and we begin floating. "I don't think Ladybug, (s/n), and Chat Noir are gonna make it up here to save us," Alya mutters as we all try to gain some balance in the air. "Then we should try to persuade Max's mom to turn back," (y/n) says, rubbing the tiredness from her eyes before leading the class to the intercom and have Max talk with his mom.

Unfortunately, his mom refuses to listen, gushing about how she now gets to explore the universe with her son and we start discussing what we'd do now. The plan was simple: get into the operator's room, take over, and fly back to Earth. However, this was not an easy task as we started to make our way before a gush of wind sent us all flying back to the back of the car. Once I get my balance again I look around and noticed (y/n), Marinette, and Adrien weren't around and I purse my lips in worry, and just as I was about to say something in floats Ladybug, Chat Noir, and (s/n). I connect my eyes with (s/n) for a moment before looking away as I recall the last time I saw her with the locker. "Have you been on the train with us this whole time?!" Alya asks excitedly as she pulls out her phone. "No, we teleported here using another miraculous. Everyone, please gather at the back of the train while we handle this, please," Everyone but Chloé starts to move back.

The heroes leave with Max and I pull out my phone to see nothing from (y/n) and I resist the urge to go look for her since Ms. Bustier needed my help keeping the class calm. Within the next ten minutes, the train re-enters orbit and we crash through Big Ben before the miraculous ladybugs teleport us to the train station where once the panic subsided we started doing a headcount of the students. "(y/n)?" "Here!" I hear (y/n), soon running up and pulling her in for a hug muttering, "You really need to stop disappearing like that!" "Ladybug told me to hide in the bathroom until things were taken care of," She tells me while patting my head. "You could've at least called or texted me." "Would you believe there's no service in space," She jokes and I laugh when ADrien's bodyguard approached, ready to take him home. 

After one tour of Big Ben, we get back on the train to head home and Marinette groans. "This trip was a total disaster." "A total disaster, really?" Alya asks, showing her the photo of them cuddling up while taking a nap and Marinette tackles her happily. "Of course, you got a photo," (y/n) says, shaking her head in amusement before we're shown a picture of us cuddling. That is such a cute photo! "Send me that, it's gonna be my new screen saver," I tell Alya before winking at (y/n) who gives an adorable blush while cuddling up to me once again and finally getting her nap.

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