Silencer: Part 3

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"Maybe I could imitate your voice," Chat Noir suggests as we get closer to City Hall and he starts doing the best impression he could give of Ladybug. Once he stops joking around LB tries to show us her plan but I shrug, shaking my head, and Chat points at me. "I'm with (s/n), don't know what you mean," She tries again and he guesses. "A night at the opera," She facepalms so I pull up the texting screen on my knife and point at it. She texts us her plan. She was planning to trick Silencer into saying lucky charm so she could activate her power. "As smart as that is it'll never work!" Chat protests when I type out 'What choice do we have?'

Before Chat could protest any more Silencer comes out and we follow him back to the studio. When we get there Silencer had put Bob back on camera using Alec's voice to tell the viewers Bob had something important to say. Chat Noir stops us from heading inside. "Wait it might be too early to pull off your crazy plan. We could wait for Bob Roth to tell the truth then justice would be served for Kitty Section right?"

 I wave my finger in his face before texting him how it wouldn't be and Bob shouldn't be forced like this to tell the truth and how the truth shouldn't be forced out. With that, we bust in and Chat starts fighting Silencer while LB and I get Bob out of the room. "We got all the time in the world, might as well have a bit of fun." "Keep your nose out of other people's business kitty or I'll silence you." "That would be a shame considering how hilarious I am," The two converse before we leave the room and hide in a dressing room.

"You're gonna have to do better than that Ladybug if you're gonna defeat this supervillain. Isn't that yours, Chat Noir, and (s/n)'s job? This is all that band's fault that Kitten What-ya-ma-call-its None of this would've happened if they hadn't made such a big deal about their so-called ideas," I glare hard at him as I yell in my head No! None of this would've happened if you hadn't stolen our work and just given us the credit we deserve! I take in a deep breath, this wasn't the time to lose my cool.

Ladybug directs me to help her paint the lamp red with black polka dots and I help when we hear Chat Noir pretend to fall for Silencer's trick. "Oh no, I can't find Ladybug or (s/n) anywhere, how will I ever get out of this mess without them?!" Ladybug's voice rings out. "Chat Noir, I'm over here!" "M'lady! If you've gotten your voice back then you've defeated Silencer, it's safe to come and find you!" "Yes, yes, there's no danger now, meet us outside the studio, and we'll wait for you!" "Ok, I'm coming, I'll meet you outside the studio door!" My voice rings out and LB and I smirk as Bob starts berating us for letting Silencer 'in' on our plan.

"You've got to be the dumbest superheroes ever! How could you let the bad guy in on your plan and what's with the fake lucky charm? I thought it was supposed to be magic or something but it's actually just some crafty special effects," I snap my head toward him with a dark glare as I push him into a chair and tie him up with tape so he couldn't get out before Ladybug and I head out and meet back up with Chat who asks, "You took your time, did something hold you up?" I nod as we round the corner to find Silencer waiting for us and LB brandishes the fake lucky charm while Chat taunts him. "Ha! Thought you had us but you didn't Silencer. Ladybug still has her superpowers."

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