Luka Chapter Twenty-Five

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I put away my suitcase with a sigh, I had finally unpacked from my trip out of town, it had been a day since I got back and I couldn't wait to see everyone again. Especially a certain (h/c) haired girlfriend of mine. My phone pings and I see a text from my sister, telling me and mom she was bringing the girls over after school and I smile. When I hear them come I greet them but before I could say hello to (y/n) we were told she needed to be a part of their conversation and I could see her in a bit. With a shrug, I grab my guitar and head up onto the deck and begin to play. About ten minutes later Marinette and (y/n) come up as well and she makes a beeline to me.

"Hey Hubby, glad your back," She tells me with a kiss on the cheek and I squeeze her hand lightly as I responded. "Good to be back," I look over at Marinette who was leaning on the railing staring out sadly. Knowing that she's one of Juleka's and (y/n)'s friend, I approach her to cheer her up with a nice tune. Once I finish she asks, "Thanks, Luka. You going to the ice rink too?" "The ice rink?" I quirk an eyebrow, looking at her curiously when (y/n) jumps in and explains the situation. "Ah, so he's too nervous to go on a date alone with her. I'm down, I'm always happy to spend time with you," I tell (y/n) whose cheeks go pink. Adorable.

The next day I head to the ice rink and meet with everyone else and head inside to find the place empty except for Philippe and the mayor. Sitting down we all start getting ready when we over her Adrien looking to Marinette for guidance. "It was really cool of you to bring those two and get yourself a date Marinette." "Of course, that's what friends are for." "I don't know what to do about Kagami though, should I offer to hold her hand?" "You have to let her fall- What I meant was you cannot let her fall in any way so do whatever you can so she doesn't fall. So yeah grab a hold of her hand and take her onto the ice and then-" She says before (y/n) jabs her and she corrects herself while I chuckle, it was kind of funny how (y/n) had to look out for Marinette who had gotten up and tripped over her own laces.

Once she and her date get onto the ice I give Adrien my own advice before bringing (y/n) back onto the ice. "Try to be natural, go with the flow and listen to the rhythm," I start doing a few ice skater moves with (y/n), I hadn't told her but I came back every few and practiced when she suddenly started to slip and I grab her hands to steady her when Philippe skates over. "Hey, young man, have you ever thought about signing up for ice skating lessons? The judges wouldn't be able to resist that sparkling smile of yours."

"That's nice of you sir but my life is already filled with my music and I'm currently writing a brand new song," I say, looking directly at (y/n) lovingly with a smile. Philippe skates off with the final word of asking me to think about it. With him out of the way, I show (y/n) how to do my next move before pulling her in close, and with a peck on the cheek I lift her up into the air as she spreads her arms while laughing. I bring her down and dip her before interlocking our hands for another move. She proceeds to pull me close and we begin to lean in for a kiss when "I'll give you a week's worth of lessons for free. Just a few hours a day and you'll be a star!" Philippe tells (y/n), looking at her with hope but she shakes her head. "I wish I could but I'm already very busy as it is."

He skates off and another moment later we hear a thump and turn around to see Marinette had rammed into a wall. Her date and Adrien skated up and offered a hand as they asked her if she was ok. I slightly frown because it seemed like she was honestly struggling to decide who should help her up. (y/n) wasn't kidding when she told me she was struggling with her feelings and Adrien. But then Philippe skates up, practically begging Adrien to sign his forms so his ice rink would be saved but the mayor puts a quick stop to it while Kagami helps Marinette up.

After that Mari skates off and Adrien goes after her, I thought he wanted to be with Kagami. I exchange a worried look with (y/n) who looked just as confused as I felt. "Letting go is really hard for her isn't it?" "With him, it is at least," Kagami skates up to us and asks, "What is going on?" "I think it's time to go," (y/n) says, confused I looked around to see the place freezing over, Kagami takes off looking for Adrien just as some guy with ice for hair started skating towards us with a laugh. My instinct to protect (y/n) kicked and I shielded her from the guy's attack as ice grew around me, freezing me in my spot. "Luka! Seriously you need to stop throwing yourself in danger for me! Don't worry I'm gonna find a way to help you," I manage to hear (y/n) say even though it was slightly muffled. If I could I would smile and tell her not if it means you'll be safe every time.

Some time passed before I was able to move again. I stumbled a bit from being able to move and I look around to see everything seemed to be normal but where could the others be? I get off the ice and take a seat before I hear the doors bust open and I turn to see (y/n) racing toward me and pulled me in for a hug and a kiss. "I missed you too," I chuckle out. "You have a nasty habit of sacrificing yourself for me you know that?" 

"It's worth it every time to know you're safe," We kiss again as the others approach and we agree to head home now. Adrien helps Philippe get some students before we head out before he admits to Kagami that he hasn't changed his target whatever that means and Kagami kisses Adrien's cheek which (y/n) takes the chance to tease him about her liking him. "You wanna go to our usual cafe (y/n)?" I ask and (y/n) agrees before Marinette approaches with a glum look. Looking between Adrien's car and her I tell her "You should probably go over and talk to him. Thanks for inviting us out today," With a nod, she takes off, and (y/n) and I head out to enjoy the rest of our date.

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