Syren: Part 2

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Thankfully by the time I get close enough, de-transform, and enter Mari was still here, Master Fu had just put the fox miraculous away.  "Ah (y/n) welcome, what seems to be bothering you two?" "How did you..." Mari trails off as we're led into another room and he chuckles before putting his hand up at our kwamiis. "You three stay here," The three beg him to be let in. "You know kwamiis must never know the recipes that modify their powers. Ever!" Mari exchanged blinks of confusion before I ask "Their powers can be modified?" "Yes and imagine if you were captured by a villain with that kind of knowledge. Just like Hawkmoth's kwamii, Nooroo. If Nooroo knew that info we would be in worse trouble."

This seems to scare Wayzz, Tikki, and Flaake as they fly away from the door and we walk more into the room to see shelves filled with jars containing all sorts of things. "So ladies, what's on your mind?" Master Fu asks as he starts grabbing jars. "Master Fu, Chat Noir is asking questions and is tired of being left in the dark, I told him a few things like you exist, the story my grandma told me, why Ladybug and I had to meet you and what you told me but he's gonna want more answers soon," I explain the situation while Master Fu grinds up some beetles. "Tell me (y/n), do you put the noodles in the water before it boils?"

"N-No?" "Exactly. That's why there's a right time for everything." "What does cooking noodles have to do with Chat asking questions?" Marinette asks before drinking the tea that had been given to her. "What are you cooking?" She then asks as we watch him pour things into a large pot. "When fed with a specific amount of ingredients the kwamiis can be granted a special power. Each mixture is specified here and encoded in the Grimoire. I've deciphered most of the ingredients; for example, to trigger aquatic powers you need a branch from the dragon king's garden which is seaweed. The secret kept in a shell, an oyster pearl. But the last one still puzzles me: a tear of joy. I can't seem to figure it out which is a problem because it's required for almost every blend," He explains his problem as we look at the electronic page depicting an aquatic-looking Ladybug with the recipe in a foreign language in the corner. "Oh maybe it's a drop of dancing ant honeydew," He adds a drop in and the concoction seems to explode.

"Hopefully that's the right mix," He pours some into a vial and we head back into the main room and Wayzz tastes it. "It has a slight flavor to it. Yes, I remember it tasting like this," The three of us smile and Master Fu tells Wayzz to power up but he only gives a sheepish shrug. "Maybe some more salt?" "Failed again..." Master Fu sighs. "Maybe we can help, we can't read the Grimoire but we'll help you figure it out," I offer, and Master Fu thanks us for the help when Mari's phone rings. 

"Hey, Alya what's up? Yeah (y/n)'s with me, why? The movie?! Of course, we didn't forget, we're almost there," She says, gesturing at me that we had to go and we quickly leave, promising we'll come back to help later. We rush to the theater to find Alya waiting for us. "Sorry, we were-" Mari doesn't even get to give an excuse before we're rushed in to meet up with our friends. The company logos hadn't even finished playing when we noticed everyone in the front seats, looking down before getting up and running out of the theater. "What's going on?" Marinette asks when I feel something cold hit my feet, I'm not the only one who feels it as we all look down to see water? We lift our feet up as the theater starts to fill up, was there a flood we didn't hear about?

"Who left the faucet running?" Alya asks as we watch more water flood in from the doors. "The stairs! Everyone to the roof!" Mari calls out, pointing toward the emergency exit stairs and we all climb to the roof. There we see all of Paris had been flooded to the point the only safe high ground was a roof. "My circuits are sensitive to water," Markov frets looking over the vast area covered in water when Kim jumps in even though I shouted at him not to. We didn't know the situation after all.

Kim tries to coax us into getting in, promising to teach Markov how to swim, nobody was focusing on Kim though but the pink fin that stuck out of the water that was getting closer to him. "Kim gets out of the water now," I sternly say but before he could do anything, whatever was attached to the fin jumped into the air, it was some girl with magenta skin and hair, small horns, and a navy blue suit that let to finned feet. When she goes down she takes Kim down with her. "Oh no you don't," I say about to jump in after them when Mari grabs my wrist and shakes her head no before pointing at a trash can that was up here for some reason. I nod and we hop in after putting it in the water and start paddling away. "Marinette! (y/n)! What are you doing?!" Alya suddenly calls at us. "We're gonna go get help!" Mari quickly calls back causing the bin to almost tip over. "We're fine!" 

After getting a safe distance we both transform and dive into the water using our weapons to breathe. We start swimming around looking for Kim and that siren and after looking through a few streets we find them swimming around, she seemed kind enough to give him an air bubble to breathe in for the time being. Ladybug takes in a deep breath and uses her yoyo to pull Kim out of the siren's grip. I also take in a deep breath and make my spear to block her from coming but because I wasn't on footed ground I was not fully prepared for her force and was shoved aside as she grabs Kim again and drags Ladybug further down. I put my knives together to make the respirator for Ladybug who was losing air quickly. But before I could get in a new breath of air and give the respirator to her Syren throws Ladybug sending her flying and out of the water before giving me a challenging look, I decide to retreat for now.

Once I resurface I see Chat Noir had caught LB and I meet up with them on the roof just in time to hear his joke. "You didn't tell me we were going swimming today." "Wasn't planning on it. Ladybugs aren't exactly cut out for deep sea diving you know," She coughs out. "Cats aren't exactly crazy about water either you know," He then looks at me. "What are you looking at me for? Just because polar bears are good swimmers and spend most time in water that's just to hunt they need to breathe too you know."

Chat lets out a chuckle before winking at LB asking "Is there any chance you can get us a submarine?" "Pawsibly, kitty cat. LUCKY CHARM!" A small pot lands in her hands and the three of us stare at it in confusion. "Well we can always use it to scoop out the water," I narrow my eyes at the bowl it looked familiar when Master Fu comes to mind, maybe he finally did it! "Come on to the guardian," I say and Ladybug and I take off when Chat asks "Can I come?" "You can't..." Ladybug trails off and Chat lets out an annoyed sigh. "Of course not, I know. But we are a team, aren't we? I'm tired of being left in the dark." "I'm sorry but it's not exactly easy for us either trust me," Ladybug says before we head off to Master Fu's.

"Master? Master!" Marinette calls out as a whisper as we get onto his roof, de-transformed of course. "Over here." "Chat Noir, (s/n), and I can't defeat Syren underwater." "I know but unfortunately I have yet to find the correct blend that would give you guys the power up to defeat her. I've failed you three," I frown upon seeing the guilt on Master Fu's face, making me steel myself, one of us already feels guilty for letting others down, no need for him to start feeling the same.

Marinette and I share a determined look. "No way, we are gonna find that last ingredient." "The tear of joy? But I've tried everything, laughter from the laughing fountain, melted snow from the Mountain of Jubilation, drops of pure chocolate extract! I don't know what else to try," We both hum in thought this would be difficult since the ingredient could be anything and Chat Noir would get impatient quickly, it's honestly a shame he couldn't be here to help. He'd probably crack some joke right about now to bring some joy to the situation. Wait a minute! What if the ingredient was literal? "Master Fu have you tried a real tear of joy?" I ask and he blinks in confusion, Mari seeming to understand what I meant. "It's worth a shot. Come on, tell us a really funny joke." "Do you really think this is the time to have fun?"

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