Gorizilla: Part 1

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"Radiant...Carefree...Dreamy...Adrien the fragrance," I hear the new Adrien-themed cologne ad play from Marinette's computer for the billionth time when I hear his name repeated multiple times. Looking up from the small bag I packed for my date with Luka today I turn around to see Mari drooling over Adrien again, Tikki feeding her, her yogurt. Walking over I turn off the monitor and give her a look with my arms crossed. "That's enough of that. You need to be getting ready for today too," I turn back to my bag. Luka and I had decided to go to the ice rink for our first date as a couple while Mari was going to the pool to hang out with the girls.

While I finish up, Mari turns the monitor back on and goes back to listening to that annoying ad. She only stops paying attention to it when Alya calls. "Marinette we've been waiting for you for fifteen minutes, where are you girl?" "I uh...Was deciding which swimsuit to wear," She lies and the ad starts up again, she had it on one of those 1-hour loop videos. "Uh-huh, and the Adrien's ad helps you pick out a swimsuit girl?"

Alya asks smugly and Mari chuckles nervously. "Yeah, I'll be right there," Grabbing her swim bag she races downstairs and outside...In her pajamas. I sigh and follow, calling out for her to wait when I get outside to see she had accidentally bumped into Luka across the street. I make my way over as she apologizes to him and I cough gaining their attention.

"Hey (y/n) you look beautiful, ready for our date?" Luka asks happily and I nod. "Yeah just gotta do one thing," My gaze turns to Marinette. "Forgetting something?" "I forgot to pack my swimsuit!" I shake my head and point at her, she looks down and realizes the problem, jumping in surprise. "I have to change!" She turns around to run back home when she bumps into Adrien? What was he doing here? "Marinette! You live near here right? Can I hide out at your place?" He desperately asks and Luka and I exchange a confused look. The request flustering Marinette. "A-At my place? You? Hide out?" She shakes her head as if to focus and asks "What's going on?"

"Too late," Adrien mumbles as we hear a chorus of people calling out to Adrien. "Follow me!" Mari says and out of instinct I follow her and Adrien too, Luka not far behind as we run into the park and hide in the fountain which was shut down for repair. When the crowd runs past, Adrien gives us a grateful smile. "Thank you for saving me, people are going crazy over this ad." "We can tell," I chuckle out before turning to Luka. "Not exactly how I thought our first date as a couple would start," He laughs in agreement. "At least this'll be an entertaining story," He adds before looking at Adrien and I look over to see him totally checking Marinette out.

Who could blame him though she was only in sweatpants and a tank top. Quickly Mari shoots up, now realizing the embarrassing situation she was in. "All good now," Before she could climb out of the fountain, Adrien grabbed her hand and pulls her close, hiding behind her. "Isn't that your bodyguard?" I ask once spotting the familiar car driving around. "I uh actually snuck out. I'm supposed to be at home right now and-" He starts to explain before cutting himself off as we hear a flash and the four of us turn to see a park cleaner had taken the photo and was uploading it to the internet. "Adrien and his girlfriend hiding in the fountain with another couple!"

Quickly we hop out of the fountain and make a break for it before Adrien's bodyguard found us which leads us into the subway station. "I'm so sorry I got you into this crazy mess guys, I didn't mean to interrupt your date, Luka, (y/n), plus now everyone thinks you're my girlfriend Marinette." "It's fine you can't control how your fans act besides as long as (y/n) is having fun so am I," Luka reassures him while Mari blushes and starts stuttering "Oh that's turrible-I mean it's not that terrible really or i-is it? Or not?" She shakes her head to clear her head. 

"Anyway do you think it's gonna be ok between you and your dad?" "How could anything bad happen? With my Marinette lucky charm," He says, pulling out the lucky charm with a wink. How sweet he takes it wherever he goes, it reminded me of the guitar pick I had made for Luka from what I could tell he used it often. "It's Adrien from the ad!" We hear a women squeal, a crowd on the other side of the tracks soon forming and taking photos. "Time to go," Luka states, grabbing my hand and making a run for it, Adrien doing the same with Marinette.

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