Chris Master: Part 2

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"Marinette!" I call down for her and she climbs up, soon staring at the sky just as shocked as I was. "It's over Santa Claus! You're surrounded and don't put up a fight!" We suddenly hear below us and look down to see plastic toy soldiers patrolling the streets while claiming they were searching for Santa Claus far and wide. But just watching for a moment proved there was more than just the toy soldiers as people ran down the street screaming at the giant toy dinosaur roaming the streets. This has to be a dream, I'm going back to bed," Marinette says groggily when I reach over and pinch her, making her yelp in pain before sending a pout my way.

"What was that for?" "You're not dreaming. Somebody had to be akumatized," I state matter-of-factly before transforming and taking off into the town, Ladybug following closely behind. "Don't be bemused it's just the news. Paris has literally been invaded by giant toys looking for Santa Claus," We hear Nadja report on one of the big screens before being dragged off as a camo-style bear and a few toy soldiers walk up on screen. "Major Teddiski here, Santa Claus. All your toys belong to us. If you don't give yourself up real quick, this little city of Paris will go kaboom, lickety-split," The transmission ends as LB asked what was going on when we notice black smoke just a couple blocks away. Heading over we found it was a red sleigh that looked like it had caught on fire. "Chat Noir, you'll never guess what I just found," I hear her say and look from inspecting the slay to see she had called Chat.

"Actually I think I know M'lady, I'm currently with Santa Claus at the ice rink," I hear Chat say and we take off toward the ice rink while avoiding the toy troops. "Santa Claus, good you're alright but what are you doing here? It's not Christmas yet," I say when we get there and Santa shrugs. "I don't know I was busy supervising the last production of toys with my elves when suddenly bang I woke up in my sleigh in the Paris sky and was attacked by flying catfish when Chat Noir saved me."

Suspicious, Ladybug whispers to me and Chat, "Don't you find this kinda strange?" "Stranger than fighting a Phaoroh's reincarnation or a pigeon overlord, empowered by magical butterflies you mean?" Chat counters back, pointing out the actual absurdity of our daily superhero lives and I snort. "He's got you there," That's when the wall crumbles to reveal the toy army that begins to surround us. "Chris Master demands his gift," The toy dog states while we get in between him and Santa. "Chris Master?" Ladybug and I ask, exchanging confused looks as a certain little boy comes to mind. "Christmas gifts are earned and only given at Christmas and if you think I'm going to bend the rules, you're barking up the wrong tree," Santa exclaims, crossing his arms when Philippe skated up.

 "Now come on there's no need to fight that's not the Christmas spirit," He then turns to Santa. "Would it really be such a big deal if you gave the presents early just this once?" "Listen to the smart man." "No! That's not the way it works!" Santa denies going on about the Christmas rules, stating word-for-word what Marinette told Chris, mine and LB's eyes widening in realization as she mumbles, "This is my fault." "There is one case where I could make an exception," Santa continues to explain when Ladybug finishes his sentence. "For the best-behaved kid in the whole world, the one at the top of your list."

"Good for you Ladybug, you know the rules of Christmas and I doubt your Chris Master is the best-behaved kid." "In that case...Soldiers attack!" We all go to attack, completely forgetting we were on ice. It seemed only me and Philippe were the only ones not slipping on the ice. "Ladybug, Chat Noir, (s/n), protect Santa, I can take care of these toys," Philippe exclaims as he starts fighting the toys and we take off with Santa.

Once far enough, Ladybug tells us she thinks she knows who Chris Master is. "How do you know?" Chat Noir asks and she gives him a smile. "I'm double-checking just to be sure," She then turns to Santa and points at his hat. "May I?" He hands her that hat and she smells it with a sigh, I couldn't blame her even I can smell the wood fire and cinnamon scent radiating from the hat. She places the hat on Chat. "You're up Santa cat," He takes off just as we hear the toys getting closer. Once we don't hear them anymore we head to Nino's place and find him outside calling out for his little brother. "Ladybug, (s/n)! You gotta help, I can't find my little bro Chris. He was in his bedroom and then he disappeared," He says in a panicked flurry at us before staring at Santa Claus in shock. "Nino, we think Chris has been akumatized, have you noticed anything different about his room?" Ladybug asks and Nino takes a breath before explaining that all of Chris's toys were missing.

"Would his toys happen to be plastic toy soldiers, catfish, a plastic dog, camo teddy bear-" I start to say when he finishes my thought. "Yes, plus his dinosaur." "So he is Chris Master now the question is how are we gonna find him?" Ladybug ponders before being asked to save him and she gives Nino a determined nod before summoning her lucky charm. She's given, paper, a pen, and an envelope." "You make surprise gifts appear? Are you competing with me Ladybug?" Santa jokes when LB starts using my back to write on the paper and putting it in the envelope and handing it to Santa asking for her gift now.

"You know I can't do that." "Not unless I'm the best-behaved kid in the whole world, could you check?" He nods and pulls out a very very long list of names and Santa blinks in surprise. "You are the best-behaved kid in the whole world. I roll my eyes knowing full well if Santa wasn't just going off the story that Marinette told Chris, she was not the best-behaved kid. "Dear Santa, I want the same gift as Chris Lahiffe, whatever it is. Are you sure about this? This'll be the only gift you get from me for the whole year," Santa asks with an unsure look. "Yes I am, it's to save Paris and Nino's little brother."

Santa smiles as he hands over a gift and we take off after telling the two to get to safety. Grabbing a megaphone LB calls out to Chris Master, holding up the gift, telling him to come and claim his gift. A toy helicopter flies down and takes it, flying off while we follow it downtown where a lego platform descended from the clouds. Pulling me close, Ladybug threw her yoyo at it before it ascended again and flew high into the air before landing on the platform and looking around at the maze of legos.

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