Chris Master: Part 3

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We start running through the maze looking for Chris Master before LB drags me to hide behind some blocks and points at the lego throne Chris Master was sitting on as he excitedly grabbed for the present. He was in a red, black, and white Christmas-themed suit and honestly kind of looked like an elf. He excitedly tore open the gift as he pulled out the toy when we heard the toy dog approach. "Mission accomplished Chris Master, we have captured Santa Claus after he tried to trick us by dressing up as Chat Noir but he couldn't fool us," We hear before looking down to see they had captured Chat Noir instead as Chris Master angrily yelled, "You were tricked! That's Chat Noir dressed up as Santa Claus, not the other way around. You're such babies, keep searching!" He throws a block at the toy before approaching Chat Noir. "Give me your paw kitty cat, Hawkmoth wants your ring. It's a stupid dumb-dumb Christmas gift but that's what he wants."

My instincts kick in and I throw one of my knives at the rope cutting it and soon Ladybug's yoyo flies out, grabbing Chat Noir and pulling him toward us. "Ladybug? (s/n)?" Chris Master asked in utter confusion. "Christmas presents are given on Christmas and only to the good kids Chris Master. I hate to tell you that you and Hawkmoth didn't even make Santa's list," Ladybug says, spinning her yoyo when we watch Chris Master grab Ladybug, Chat Noir, and (s/n) action figures and slam them into his globe and out of nowhere the action figures re-appear as giants. "At least we know for sure the akuma's in his snowglobe," I mutter and Chat chuckles.

"Just need to defeat ourselves," The action figures summon a copy of our powers, toy Ladybug with a weapon, toy Chat his cataclysm, and toy me my ice storm and they charge at us. Chat throws a block in front of toy Chat and we watch as the block disintegrates into nothing. I jump away from toy me as she goes in for a few punches but when that doesn't work she shoots ice storm at me. I escape via my spear while Ladybug unarms her toy self and we watch in disbelief as the three toys re-summon their powers. "Playtime doesn't end for these two," Chat says when LB's earrings beep. "Problem is my playtime is almost up, I don't have much time before I transform back." "Then let's show them who the real game masters are," We continue to fight our toy selves but it didn't seem to do much and it didn't help that they could re-summon their powers. 

"My toys are going to destroy you, you guys are such babies!" Chris Master laughs while playing with his new toy. "We may need to use my power to destroy these toys," Chat says and I grimace, stating. "Which is gonna be hard since you can only destroy one thing so somehow you'd have to touch all three or be fast enough if we can trap them but the quickest way to do that is my power which I doubt would hold them for long." "I mean if that's our only choice but I'd rather save it just in case we need it for the snow globe."

 LB says when we hear a "Ho ho ho!" Looking up we all see Santa Claus flying in and knocking the toys off the platform with his sleigh. "There's no way I'm letting anything happen to the three best-behaved kids in the whole world," He says flying off to keep the toys off our back. "The best-behaved kids in the whole world?" Chat asks, confused and we nod. "Yeah, us." "No fair my toys!" Chris Master yells while stomping his foot and we carefully approach. "Come on Chris, hand over the snow globe. You've got your Christmas gift," A butterfly hovers over his face and he gives us a conflicted look before slamming the toy into his snow globe while we shout for him not to do that.

Author: No chapter tomorrow there's a Mardi Gras party happening before a black-out cancer basketball game that'll be going from 11:30 am to 9 pm and I'll be seeing family I haven't seen in a while when I'm not at the party or the game so I won't be home all day. If I have time later today I'll see about publishing the last Chris Master chapter. Enjoy the rest of the weekend everybody!

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