Sandboy: Part 3

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Ladybug and I take off into the city, and look for Chat Noir. We find him looking down at the Parisians running from their nightmare. "M'lady! (s/n)! Tonight has been a total nightmare, am I glad to see you guys." "Glad to see you're alright to Kitty but lets focus on Sandboy. I noticed his cloud is shaped like a pillow, I'll bet you anything that's where the akuma is." "Then it's time for a pillow fight."

We shoot toward Sandboy and I try to slice the pillow with my spear only for him to dodge last minute, Ladybug soon throwing her yoyo and Chat extending his staff towards him. Sandboy manages to duck out of the way of their attacks too and starts shooting his nightmare dust at us with the proclamation we wouldn't be able to fight our worst nightmare for long. We start running away as I point out, "He's moving around too much!" "Plus his evil sand is blowing everywhere!"

Chat chimes in and Ladybug uses this time to summon her lucky charm and Sandboy targets her then, hitting her with the nightmare dust as the lucky object disappears and Ladybug tries to escape but it was like the magical boosts the miraculous gave us disappeared and she was just a girl in spandex with a cheap yoyo. She jumps out of the way before Sandboy can reach her, causing her to roll off the roof, and hang onto the ledge by her hand. "Chat get her!" I yell at Chat before targeting Sandboy, sending a kick his way, forcing him to move away from her while Chat caught LB.

I join them afterward and Sandboy quickly unleashes his nightmare dust on us chanting gleefully, "The Sandboy just checked in, now nightmares can begin!" "Stay behind us M'lady," Chat tells Ladybug as he and I get in a defensive position. "You both still have your powers?" "Losing mine is not what I'm afraid of." "While I am afraid of losing my powers I'm afraid of it in a different sense," We answer and she asks us, "Then what?"

"Chat Noir! Bad kitty! I'll never love you and I've always wanted to get rid of you! (s/n)! Don't think I don't see you over there, you're a failure of a hero and don't deserve your miraculous, hand it over to me right now!" We hear another Ladybug with an angrier-sounding voice and look to see a fake standing on the roof. "You have weird dreams too..." LB mumbles as we watch the fake summon her lucky charm and the giant sword falls in her hand.

"That takes me back," I say as I recognize the sword from back when we fought Antibug. Fake-bug over her jumps down toward us and quickly grabbing Ladybug we lunge out of the way. Fake-bug charges at us yet again and Chat and I duck from her swinging the large blade but eventually we were forced to jump away. "Stay still you mangy cat and bear!" This is when Sandboy decides to jump in so we had a threat approaching us on both sides as Fake-bug and Sandboy charged at us. Pulling Ladybug close Chat extends his stick and I roll out of the way before taking off after them while the two threats collided with each other.

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