Prime Queen: Part 1

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"Tonight for our first addition of Face-To-Face you'll have the opportunity of a lifetime. The chance to talk live with Ladybug, (s/n), and Chat Noir along with me Nadja Chamack. We'll be revealing some sizzling hot information about your favorite superheroes. Don't be the mews it's just the news," Nadja's ad for her new show plays in the background while Marinette worked on her latest fashion project and me writing a new song in my notebook.

Once the ad finishes, Tikki and Flaake who had been watching the show start to freak out. "Sizzling hot revelations?!" Tikki asks turning to us and Marinette nods. "Can you guys believe it? An entire hour-long special about me, (s/n) and Chat Noir. Pretty exciting huh?" "Uh no this is a huge problem," Flaake points out, causing me to look up from my notebook and ask "What do you mean?" "You guys are superheroes, not stars. You have to remain a mystery to protect yourselves from Hawkmoth and any other supervillains!" Tikki explains and Mari gives her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, I only accepted this because I want the people of Paris to know that Chat Noir, (s/n), and I will always do whatever it takes to keep them safe." "And don't worry we told them explicitly that we wanted no invasive questions."

I chime in which seemed to ease the two kwamii's worries. "Just be careful tonight ok?" Tikki pleads and Marinette blinks in confusion. "Tonight? What do you mean tonight? Tonight I have babysitting. The show is tomorrow," I roll my eyes at Marinette, she can be so absent-minded, I walk over to her computer and turn up the volume, another one of Nadja's ads was playing.

"Don't forget! Tonight! Face-To-Face live with Ladybug, (s/n), and Chat Noir," Marinette's jaw drops, and I cross my arms with a slight smile stating "And that's probably why you babysit tonight." "Marinette!" We hear Manon shout before she comes barging into the room, Flaake and Tikki hiding. Manon quickly charges in for a hug while Mrs. Chamack comes up. "Manon. Mrs. Chamack I just saw an ad for your show...Tonight..." Mari trails off with a nervous smile only to be given a relieved smile in return. "Sorry, I'm running late. Thanks again for watching Manon. I've put a bunch of things for her in her bag and she's already had dinner. Oh, I'm so glad you were free tonight!"

"Uh yeah! I had no other plans tonight. No plans at all..." Marinette trails off again. "I better get going, I've got a lot riding on this interview, I need all of Paris in front of the screen tonight. Sweetie just for tonight you're allowed to watch some television with Marinette," Manon cheers while Marinette bites her lip in worry.

"You'll do great Mrs. Chamack. Besides you already have three viewers." I respond and Nadja leaves with the final comment "Tell all your friends to tune in!" "How are you gonna get out of this one?" I ask Marinette and she turns to me with a pleading smile. "Could you take over for me tonight?" I give her a blank stare as I lift up my hand for her to see my glove and respond with "I have to be there too," She facepalms and apologizes, and pulls out her phone to call Alya. I take this time to head on out, transform and head to the studio.

When I get there I see Chat Noir and meet up with him. "Wanna go in the fun way?" He asks with a mischievous smile which I return. "Of course," We sneak into the studio and get up into the catwalk of the studio before hopping down onto the couch, starting Nadja. "Which way did you come in?" She asks and Chat answers with "Secret celebrity door," He starts digging into the treats on the table in front of us and so do I. 

"I see Ladybug is running behind," Chat comments after a few minutes. "I thought you three would be arriving together," Nadja admits. Chat proceeds to get up into her face. "Wanna hear a secret? I love chouquettes," I grab his tail and pull him back down onto the seat while Nadja talks to who I presume is her boss. "So when is Ladybug arriving?" Nadja asks and Chat Noir and I exhange looks, we had no idea, Marinette was probably trying to think of an excuse to leave right now, Chat decides to try and call her but soon apologizes, explaining that LB wasn't picking up.

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