Malediktator: Part 3

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"Because of what happened in school?" I ask, Ladybug soon chiming in, "I'm sure this Marinette didn't mean what she said," Chloé shakes her head. "It's not just her. Actually, I don't even care about her it's because I have no reason to be here. Nobody likes me, I have no friends, I'm useless..." Chloé trails off, tears streaking down her cheeks as LB and I exchange worried looks when I say, "A friend once said nobody is useless."

"That's easy for you to say, you're (s/n), a hero that gets to work with Ladybug and Chat Noir. You serve a purpose." "Yes we fix up all the messes, you said it yourself in your documentary," Ladybug agrees, Chloé soon gasps in shock as she asks, "You saw that?! Ugh, I'm so embarrassed. That film's ridiculous, utterly ridiculous, I realize that now."

 "Don't worry about it Chloé. You can help fix this if that's what you want and you can serve a purpose but you have to want to." "I do want to," She nods and Ladybug presents her with the bee miraculous. "Chloé Bourgeois here is the bee miraculous which grants you the power to immobilize your opponent. You will use it for the greater good," She gives us an unsure look and we encourage her with a nod as she takes out the silver comb, Pollen flying around her happily. 

"Once the job is done you will return the miraculous to me, Chat, or (s/n). Can we trust you Chloé?" "I won't disappoint you this time Ladybug, (s/n). Pollen Buzz On!" We watch her transform into Queen Bee and we take off. "I've always dreamed of doing this with you," Queen Bee squeals as we run across rooftops. "We must work together as a team, alright Queen Bee?" "Of course don't worry about me, I've been practicing since forever," I fondly roll my eyes as I pull her out of the way of running into a wall as I recalled her practicing back when we had to deal with Lady Wifi.

By the time we reached City Hall, it looked as if Malediktator had taken full control of the police force which now barricaded the building and surrounded him and his wife. Before we could formalize a plan Queen Bee is waving for Malediktator's attention. "Here I am Daddy! I'm sorry I hurt your feelings the way I did so please stop all this nonsense at once!" I mean at least she apologized. "Honeypie! You look so pretty in that suit!" Audrey squeals. (Facts) "Also put mom back to normal, I can't bear to see her like this. Your powers are ridiculous, utterly ridiculous."

Malediktator slams his fist down on his thrown, shouting "That's enough! Now you're going to do what I tell you to do! By the power vested in me, give me your miraculous!" We jump out of the way of the bubbles. Ladybug and Queen Bee threw their yoyo/spinning top and me throwing my knife like a dagger hoping it would cut the sash before the police blocked our attacks. When we land we continue to dodge the bubbles chasing us while taking down what guards we could and trying to get close to Malediktator.

However, it seemed his guards were always fast enough to block us from getting close, and with the bubbles, we had to constantly move back. "By the power invested in me, I declare you all my slaves!" He shouts, creating the biggest bubble we've ever seen. "That bubble's gonna be a tough one to dodge," Queen Bee exclaims worriedly before I state, "He's gonna take control of the entire city if we don't stop him now!" We charge yet again but the guards weren't having it so finally, LB summons her lucky charm. 

A large gun with a laser sight appears and LB looks at it confused. "That's an effective Lucky Charm," After looking around, Ladybug takes the laser sight and shoves the gun to the side, scoffing. "No way I'd use one of those." "Are you sure?" "Yeh, I just needed a laser pointer. You just need to take the sting out," She says with a wink. "VENOM!" Queen Bee summons her power, and it looks like a stinger in her hand as Ladybug tells us the plan. "Focus on Malediktator we'll deal with the guards."

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